Welcome Summer 2010! ( Here @ Finland )

June 29th, 2010

At first before anyone asks or starts to whine about why am I writing something like this at this point, reason is that Finland’s summer has began now as what comes to weather and feelings!

Midsummer is gone for this Summer and let’s say that it’s where Finland’s summer starts from. It striked over here at Eastern Finland real weather of summer and feelings are also really great even to we’re almost already moved to July. In Finland summer’s beginning has more far away year by year and I’m wondering that what could cause this? Maybe the global warming? I don’t think so as when we ask about old and wise people, they keep saying that they’ve seen things like this before.

Summer is wonderful time. Beauty, romantic, good smells and smiling everywhere you look at. But it really wouldn’t be right if it would be like this around the year in Finland even some would hope so. You would get bored at it really fast and then it would be just some normal stuff in my opinion. Even summer is of course my favourite time of the year, I enjoy about it with doing my job, hanging out with my girlfriend and having really great time at our summer house by Punkaharju. But however, I’m happy that there’s four seasons in Finland: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. All of them has their specialities and bad sides but still they’re all great! In winter the low degrees can cause some bad thoughts and then you start to wish that it would be summer already but when you think it backwards, by summer you sometimes wait for winter because it’s so damn hot in summer with all those flying bugs and stuff!

That was all for now again! I wish you all really great and happy summer! Hopefully you all will enjoy it as much as you can while you can do it. Now those real summer’s hot times are coming for us! AND LET’S ALL WELCOME FINLAND’S SUMMER WITH USING CAPS LOCK!

Peace and love, Jere!

Picture of Jere Alanen
LeLE is a hero from Joensuu city and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Movie corner – 23rd June

June 23rd, 2010

Pew pew! Again it’s time for some movies! I don’t have any blah blah stuff this time at the start so I just go straight to the business. Movies, please!
NOTE: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode!

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

How’s things going?

June 17th, 2010

What’s up fellas! It’s been about one month since I wrote my last blog from [flag fi] Solid Mojo so it’s time to write a blog once again. So, how’s the things been going? Well, I’m having a annoying flu and also really nice cough and throat is feeling painful at some points, but it’s just caused by some virus so hopefully it goes over within few next days. But it’s been really nice 1-1,5 weeks for me now with this stuff going on, and there’s my cousin’s confirmation party coming up on weekend where I’m most likely heading.

How’s things going with RCTIC then? Our Call of Duty 4 team announced few changes in their team just couple days ago and they brought in some well-known names in Finnish scene which is good. We still have a lot of things going on and one of them is the new websites which is in coding phase and hopefully it will be up within next month.

Well, anything else really comes up to my mind so that’s all for now. Just remember to follow and watch some matches from Football World Cup 2010 from South Africa! Peace for now!

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in Gaming.fi, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Movie corner – 16th June

June 16th, 2010

So here we are again as promised! Bringing you some nice new clips to settle down watching of FIFA World Cup. It’s good to watch something else now and then though nothing wins watching World Cup of football. But here we go to the world of games, enjoy!
And remember to set the quality of embeded videos to HD and fullscreen for better movie experience, please!

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

Hey public hero, tweak your TF2!

June 15th, 2010

Hi y’all!

My name is Jack “JackieBoy” Tarvajärvi and I’m the captain of RCTIC.TF2. SaMZ asked me to write a blogpost about our team and first i was like: “Oh damn, that’s easy!”. But when the deadline was getting closer, I started to panic. I didn’t actually know what to write about. So because this is the second blogpost from our team and also there was a “free weekend” in TF2 I decided to write about TF2 configs and settings. So you can get more in to the game!

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!

RCTIC.CoD4 with changes

June 15th, 2010

The Call of Duty 4 team we brought in a bit over one month ago have faced some changes. First off, soon after Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge [flag fi] Miikka “micTAO” Lappi was removed from team and [flag fi] Jalmari “gnarly” Hakunti was brought in to replace him. Now it’s again time for someone to step down from main lineup and make room for someone.

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The new weekly movie corner is here!

June 9th, 2010

Welcome all to our new Weekly movie corner where we will post some new eSports movies every week. There will be frag movies, eSports documentaries, trailers and a huge pile of entertainment! Movies are made for everybody to watch so we decided to share some of the new ones with you regularly. Just click the title of the movie and it redirects you to the movie. In addition I added a comment with my own thoughts to each of them. So, prepare the popcorn! Enjoy!

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

Download Jacky-wallpaper!

June 2nd, 2010

A little over one week ago we released our first videoblog on what we mentioned that now we’re gonna get things rolling! Within two last weeks we have held a Day of Defeat: Source NightCup with good success and we have also started to code our upcoming website. But as a big surprise for our organization, after about one year break our old graphics artist, Jan-Erik “furri” Mattsson has done a comeback. Jan-Erik didn’t hesitate to get back in business and he has already done some awesome graphics. As result we are proud to present one of our cute mascots, Jacky!

Take a look at our media-section and download Jacky-wallpaper for your desktop!

DoD:S NightCup #1 – Brackets and rules

May 31st, 2010

So, we here at RCTIC eSports have decided to hold a NightCup for Day of Defeat: Source today, 31st of May. Signups were opened by 27th day of this month via well-known community site of DoD:S, zeroPoint! Cup includes total of 16 teams, who will be fighting tonight that who’s gonna win our very first DoD:S NightCup.

There will be teams like [flag eu] zeroPoint!, [flag uk] cm and [flag fr] rockit taking part in this cup which makes it very interesting. However, now to main thing, below you can find the rules and of course, brackets.

- ALL players must record demos from every round/match.
- Teams got 15 minutes to come to server or forfeits will be handed to opposing team
- Matches are 2×15
- Cup Channel #RCTIC (Please be here atleast 15 minutes before first game)
- Maps are anzio, harrington, argentan and salerno

Final at 20.30 CET – salerno

  • [flag fr] rockit [3-0] RCTIC eSports [flag fi]

Bronze match at 20.30 CET- salerno

  • [flag ru] asq [3-5] stfo [flag eu]

Semifinals at 20.00 CET – argentan

  • [flag ru] asq [0-3] rockit [flag fr]
  • [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [1-0] stfo [flag eu]

Round 2 at 19.30 CET – harrington

  • [flag ru] asq [8-3] Jin-Roh [flag fr]
  • [flag fr] rockit [4-3] w4sp.Acase [flag de]
  • [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [4-3] pod [flag de]
  • [flag eu] stfo [4-3] cm [flag uk]

Round 1 at 19.00 CET – anzio

  • [flag eu] zeroPoint! [0-1] asq [flag ru]
  • [flag de] aw3some [1-4] Jin-Roh [flag fr]
  • [flag fr] rockit [7-0] FF.uk [flag uk]
  • [flag de] w4sp.Acase [9-1] whatya! [flag eu]
  • [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [5-1] myR.fi [flag fi]
  • [flag de] pod [12-0] unkn0wn [flag de]
  • [flag eu] stfo [6-3] imgaming [flag de]
  • [flag uk] cm [7-0] kkthxbye [flag pt]
Picture of dods

Dude, where’s my prize money?

May 30th, 2010

On Friday I took a look a look at what kind of feedback people gives about Solid Mojo, and I wasn’t the only one. The whole The Group’s irc-channel was full of big guys whining about small things. The whole episode started one single email which the head guy behind Solid Mojo had sent to gamers in the event which contained the following snap.

We was excepting such a bad development already about one week before event and that’s when we informed all that we can’t guarantee all the prizemoney. In the current situation our organization hasn’t got enough of money to pay any of prize moneys.

This was what we already excepted before the event itself. There was maximum of over 1000 computer seats and under 300 of them was sold and including all the spectators, organizers didn’t receive enough of money to cover all costs caused by event. But still players were excepting that the prizemoneys would have been payed.

I don’t doubt that there wouldn’t be anything to fix with covering all the costs of event. A computer seat to event was worth of 45 euros. Taking part in NON-BYOC tournament was worth of 25 euros. Most of all moneys organizers got was payed by visitors and most of them wasn’t even interested about these “pro” tournaments, atleast I bet so.

In NON-BYOC tournaments the competitors had computers already waiting by the venue and the entry wasn’t that expensive for them even tho there was ment to be good prizes in those tournaments. The prizes was much smaller for them who had a computer seat and taking part in some tournament.

The whole team from In7 eSports got my respect as they took a part in amateur competitions from what the prizes was high enough to cover the costs of event and to get some cheap pizzas from some local restaurant.

Email contained also this snap:

Organization is taking warrantles credit to pay entry fees back (25 e / person) to people who won some prizemoney.

Already the fact that the organization behind the event, The Group, including all it’s members whom was arranging this event, are working as full volunteer, is missed by most of people. They are taking financial risks to offer some tournaments to these whining kids. Players themselves aren’t feeling any sympathy to organizers and they aren’t even interested. The only thing what the organizers are receiving is a lot of bad feedback. And this a good example to think why different companies aren’t interested in sponsoring Finnish eSports-scene.

In our country’s gaming-scene it’s nothing to do with amount of people who would do their best to get even better tournaments for gamers. Our scene’s terrible situation is caused by selfish gamers themselves, whom couldn’t even think all needed things or think things from some others position.

Is there anyone left who remembers the times when games was played just for passion? It don’t have to be always about money.

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.