Blog Fortress #4: Feelings after lan

November 8th, 2010

So as propably everyone knows we were attending Insomnia LAN at Pori last weekend. It was first proper LAN event I have ever attended to so I was pretty excited about it. I travelled with mafu from Power Gaming as he also lives in Vaasa. He really is a nice guy and we had pretty nice trip to Pori and back, thanks for the ride mafu!

So, lets talk a bit about the LAN itself and the games we had. Well, there ain’t really that much to say. Fast games and internet problems sum the whole event up pretty good. Only proper game we had was against Refuse and that also was a bit fucked up because of the internet problems Insomnia was having. Despite all the problems I felt like the match against Refuse was one of the best games I have ever played because the feeling I had during playing was completely different comparing to online games. So thanks to Refuse for one of the best matches of my life!

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Picture of RydeR
RydeR is one the founding members of RCTIC and leader of our DoD:S team.


November 8th, 2010

Nyt on aika herättää eräs vanha konkaripeli henkiin..RCTIC eSports järjestää vanhaan kunnon nettiräiskintään Battlefield 2:een viikonlopun mittaisen turnauksen. Tarkoituksena on herättää peli henkiin ja saada ihmiset muistelemaan niitä hienoja hetkiä mitä pelissä koettii! Turnaus alkaa perjantaina 10.joulukuuta ja viimeiset matsit pelataan sunnuntaina 12.joulukuuta. Tarkemmat tiedot aikatauluista ilmoitetaan myöhemmin!

Turnaus on tarkoitettu ainoastaan suomalaisille ja mukaan mahtuu neljä ( 4 ) joukkuetta. Pelimuotona on 5vs5 Infantry eli joukkueissa on viisi (5) pelaajaa. Turnaus pelataan 5vs5 Infantry säännöillä. Säännöt kokonaisuudessaan ilmoitetaan myöhemmin! Turnauksen palvelimet tarjoaa

Turnaukseen voi ilmottautua laittamalla alla olevat tiedot joukkueesta osoitteeseen:

-Joukkueen nimi
*IRC kanava
*Kotisivujen osoite
-Kapteenin nimi ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Pelaajien nimet ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Joukkueen logo ( liitteenä sähköpostiin tai linkki kuvaan )

Turnauksessa on myös mahtavat palkinnot, jotka tarjoavat meille ja

Movie corner – 3rd November

November 3rd, 2010

NOTE: Remeber the HD quality and fullscreen mode!

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

RCTIC eSportsin huima Joulukampanja!

November 1st, 2010

Se on täällä! Joulun aika siis. Pukki jo pitkälle matkalleen on lähtenyt ison lahjasäkkinsä ja rekensä kanssa, jota punakuonoinen Petteri vetää perässään. Joulu on rauhan ja ilon aikaa, perheet yhteen kokoontuvat ja laulavat lauluja kauniita kirjasta jouluisesta. Vatsatkin mukavan muodon saa, kun kinkku ja muut herkut sen täyttävät. Mutta ennen kaikkea tätä on se kiireiden aika lahjojen kanssa ja ihmiset tuskailevat mitä ja mistä ostavat lapsilleen, isille ja äitille lahjat nuo, josta iloa riittää pitkäksi aikaa.

Me täällä RCTIC eSportissa teemme sen helpoksi! Yhdessä Pelaajanvalinta.fin kanssa tarjoamme teille joulun MAKEIMMAN ja HYYTÄVIMMÄN lahjan aivan JÄÄÄÄTÄVÄÄN HINTAAAN!

XBOX360 S Premium + Halo Reach vain 329,90€

Ja näin joulun kunniaksi me pohjoisen pojjat puotetaan hintaa kampanjakoodillamme vielä 2%!
Kampanjakoodi: Joulukamppis

Kirjoita kampanjakoodi tilauksen viestikenttään!
Tilaa täältä!

Failsomnia XII: The End

October 31st, 2010

Our first game had been sheduled to 13CET at saturday which was TF2 semi-final but as we know from friday, it didn’t go like in books.

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Insomnia XII: Final Standings

October 30th, 2010

Insomnia XII LAN is going towards the end as there’s just one more final to be done with, StarCraft 2 final. All other tournaments have ended besides SC2 and CS:S, where the final is live at the moment. However, the journeys for our guys have already ended up. Below you can find the final placements of Team Fortress 2 and Tekken 6 tournaments.

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Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Insomnia XII: TF2 elimination bracket

October 30th, 2010

Friday was full of network and schedule problems at Insomnia XII. Last games from groups was played around 4AM and from seven teams only 4 qualified to elimination bracket. These teams are: Power Gaming, Team Refuse, Maustajat and RCTIC!

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Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

Insomnia XII Blog: Day2 – Morning

October 30th, 2010

Good mooooooooooooorniiiingggg…. pori. Well that was lame.

It’s 8.40 and we are getting up for some breakfast. SamZs phone had alarm around 6am and it did ring 20minutes until anyone noticed it. I slam it off and continue to sleep. 2 more hours to sleep, thank you.

Now we are awake and kicking our tf2 team and Wuming up to get some food to their stomachs.

Matches will continue at 12am and we’ll be heading to lanplace after breakfast. That’s it for now, stay tuned for more megasuperimba blogs.

Insomnia XII Blog: Day1

October 29th, 2010

So we arrived to insomnia about 6 hours ago. Our TF2 team did get their computers on their paid spots.

They were planning to practice 3 hours before their combo starts but unfortunately insomnias internet crashed… big time. After 15min of headbanging, they informed that every gamecombo has been delayed due their network issues.

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Insomnia XII: TF2 groups and fixtures

October 29th, 2010

Games at today are scheduled to begin at 8 pm CET. Every team plays one map against each other and two teams from each group with the most points are going to begin their journey to brackets.

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Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.