Today we here at RCTIC eSports are happy to announce the addition of our very first gaming-team to our ranks. The game where this team will be representing our name is none else than Call of Duty 4.
The team we are adding to our ranks is a Finnish team, NastyBitches. Our brand new cod4 team have played together for about one month for now but they have already proved, that they got the motivation and potential what we’re looking for in this team, as they have already played well against top teams, for example H2k-Gaming.
RCTIC.CoD4 will probably be seen at upcoming Finnish LAN, Assembly Winter ’09.
Statement by team leader, NohNoh:
“First off all I want to say thanks to Rctic for the change to get good organization behind us and now we can focus to the GAME. I think this will be a good and long lasting relationship between Rctic and NastyBitches. We try to do our best and we will see how far it takes. Next big event would be Assembly 09 if we get the invitation. Training has started already.”
Statement by COO of RCTIC eSports, k3mpo:
“Well, we have been looking for CoD4 team, which would fit our requirements, since this organization was formed. We have been in contacts with many different teams and this team (NastyBitches) is what we’re looking for. They are motivated and they are talented and they’ve already performed quite well in leagues such as CB and ESL. So, we’re really looking forward the co-operation with this team and we hope that our relationship will last for long time.”