Pew pew! Again it’s time for some movies! I don’t have any blah blah stuff this time at the start so I just go straight to the business. Movies, please!
NOTE: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode!
We’re gonna kick off this time’s corner with a 3D show off player movie about a retired professional player from Sweden; Fredrik “JAEGARN” Andersson. So as I mentioned the movie’s intro and outro is just pure art of 3D animation by Xenoq. Frags aren’t filled with flashing epilepsy effects, just well played clutches and multiple takedowns mostly with simple editing. The reason for that must be that Xenoq only made intro and outro.. But more about the frags: there are few nice sick shots here and there but the rest of the frags are all cool multi kill sprees. The lan footage clips are nice extra to the movie and give a boost for the atmosphere.
The movie is cut a little bit from the outro because of the cursed You Tube so if you want the whole movie download it from here or watch it there. Nothing exceptional is cut off but just for you to know.
This is again a new random TF2 movie I picked for this corner. It was fun to watch although the soundtrack was TERRIBLE. It is a movie about three Young Upcoming Demomen from North America; Chupa, Droog and sheep. I liked the frags. Some fun and cool “quake kills” as I like to call them. It is a simple movie without any coolio effects. Just frag moments. Boom!?
Here we go with a Day of Defeat: Source movie starring one of the finest German snipers: Tim “karat” Wiethe. I don’t know about the scene. Is he still alive and kicking and owning, DoD:S players? (Seems like because Team Germany 2010 is mentioned in the movie..). Anyways this is a movie where the frags really are the main priority and they aren’t covered by any “pointless” effects. It was nice to watch because of the fast tempo and good sync. I have played the game a little and for me that is just too fast scoping. Very skilled playing if you ask me.
This movie made me think following: when is your movie coming out, RCTIC/zg? Or let me know if there already is one.. I’m so clueless. :) Over and out!
Sorry. It is a bit lousy corner this time but I will keep ‘em coming for more, ‘kay? :)
good sh** =)