Recently we decided to take some fresh meat to our organisation. A promising young Cod 2 team, previously known as CLEANLEAN, is from now on a stand-in squad of RCTIC. So the team is on trial for startings. I had a little conversation with Niko “ekk1N” Jauhiainen and here’s what I found out.
Hi ekk1n! Could you start by telling us how long you guys have been playing together?
- Hi Leca! We have played about six months with this lineup so far, but rolezeh, pabn1 and bitti have played over three years together and I joined team about 18 months ago.
Who is the leader in the team and what are the other roles in the team?
- Well nobody doesn’t admit it but rolezeh is the leader. When he is on fire, he REALLY is on fire! At best days he takes out enemies more than rest of the team altogether. Bitti is the teams “cold-headed” and he manages to keep his volume on a calm level on teamspeak. I guess pabn1 is the most silent person in Teamspeak. pabn1 has the most bizarre style what I have ever seen, but it works! Most of the time I feel that pabn1 has a epilepsy ’cause the mouse is shaking so bad ;) marski & omppu, the brothers are equal with their gaming style and it’s hard to recognize them in Teamspeak. Our foreign reinforcement Wise is a “basic player” and a loud person in Teamspeak. I asked what others would say about me and they aswered that “ekk1n is our second leader. Chatty basic player with a great sense of humor”.
Do you have any Online achievements?
- Well there are not so many.. At the moment we are participating on Clanbase’s Eurocup and we have been placed as second twice on Clanbase’s Opencup tournament.
Do you have any Lan achievements?
- Last january we were third in CoD2 competition on Lantrek 2010.
What are your future goals / dreams?
- Simple answer. Make it to foreign Lan.
Why you decided to apply for RCTIC?
- Well actually we were looking for a Finnish Organization instead of foreign organization because our last organization were quite a disappointment and when we didn’t hear anything from them in a month, we decided that it was time to look for something new. Then we heard about RCTIC in many news and we had noticed that RCTIC is very active organization which supports its teams. So we decided to ask if we could fit in as a CoD2 team. RCTIC fulfills every expectations that we want from organization.
We hope that we will fulfill all expectations as well and you can see us in action on LanTrek’2011! Me and rolezeh are also participating in Solid Rebirth.
Thanks for your answers ekk1n and good luck to you all!