Movie corner: double pack! – 17th November

November 17th, 2010

Note: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode!

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A Counter-Strike: Source movie by one of the most respected Call of Duty 4 movie makers; acid. As expected he doesn’t let us down with CS:S neither. He does it all with same creativity as in his most known movies. It’s just it feels weird to watch this. Usually it is an eyegasm to watch it but this one was suprisingly normal movie. But think it’s because the differences in editing between CoD4 and CS:S so it doesn’t matter. Sync, frags and ownage. Thank you again, acid!

[game cs]

Hmh? This one caught my eye. Georgian players! Seems like they know there as well how to play CS. Movie contains top frags from top players of Georgia decorated with basic frag movie special effects and glow. And oh, one 3D explosion also which seemed a bit crappy if watched more carefully. In overall it’s a nice movie to represent the skills of Georgian players. They are no different.

[game tf2]

So here we have Movie corners first Best Damn Intermission clip. BDI is a movie competition organized by the Movie Vault. Maximum lenght of frag clip is 90 seconds which shall be enough for contestants to show what they’ve got. Music must be from the BDI offical mediakit and entrants must be from Russia, Canada, UK, U.S., Germany or France.
In this TF2 movie most frags are made by Russian players. Editing is decent and controlled without any revving. I really liked the edit in 1:07!

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Hell yeah, more BDI! This one I liked very much! Frags are kick ass quality and very well synced. And the bullet time effect works always! Plus the ending 3D was the same stuff. Oh well, I just make it short; this might be at top of BDI.

[game tf2]

Some scout action please! And here we go (Yea yea, there is sniper too…). Nothing suprising. Very entertaining TF2 montage with clean edit. Lovely! :)

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Ok, I just wanted to add this because of its creativity and one other thing. Ever wondered what a bullet thinks? Well here might be the answer for atleast one. Very fun idea! I like it. But, BUT! would have been a lot better if this one bothering thing would have been considered: WHY IS THE BULLET FLYING IN ITS CARTRIDE AFTER SHOT FROM AWP!? LOL!

If you have anything to say or comment, please write it below or try to contact me at IRC: tepid @ QuakeNet, #rctic.

2 Responses to “Movie corner: double pack! – 17th November”

  1. ekk1N says:

    great movie pack as always :p if possible, add some CoD-movies in future :]

  2. tepid says:

    I try to add them if some new one just came. :p Haven’t seen any new ones after play with soul. :(

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