Our Call of Duty 4 team is participating in few days long online cup. Cup is arranged by Gaming.fi and is named as Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge Sponsored by Ulti-mat and GameFrame. Cup started yesterday with groupstage matches what are going to continue with three last rounds as four was played yesterday. Our team is doing pretty good as they won three matches from four and lost their only match so far against x9.Syndrome, who is the favourite to win this cup.
Yesterday’s scores:
RCTIC eSports [13-11] Hax n Skillz
RCTIC eSports [8-13] x9.Syndrome
RCTIC eSports [13-10] ION
RCTIC eSports [13-9] Luval Gaming
Today’s schedule:
19.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [13-3] Hannus Gayming
20.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [1-0] the Reksi (noshow)
21.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [13-4] Borterra
I (k3mpo) managed to have a little chat with NiNLeX from our CoD4 team to ask about how cup has gone so far and about today’s matches.
k3mpo: “Hey NiNLeX! You are taking a part in Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge and one playday is done, how it went?”
NiNLeX: “Hello, thanks for asking, we had quite a nice day yesterday even though we weren’t exactly at the top of our game, but we had fun nevertheless. Games went smootly, we didn’t have any problems contacting our opponets or with servers. Everything went pretty smoothly.”
k3mpo: “You got only one loss this far which was against x9.Syndrome, favourites of this cup. Score wasn’t bad (13-8), could you have had chances to win that match?”
NiNLeX: “Well, we had a good start (3-0) on defense, which is our weaker side on mp_strike so my hopes were high. However, we did some mistakes and failed to win the side, but did very well to get a draw 6-6 on defense. It was time for our offense, which I was more confident about. But due to certain changes we had to make for this cup, our smokes were not on place and we had some hard time crossing the street early on so they managed to get into good defending positions and then attacking was real pain so we managed to pick only 2 rounds, one from b-side and one from a-side.”
k3mpo: “And how about today’s matches, is there any enemies that could give you some hard time and maybe try to get a tie or win?”
NiNLeX: “To be honest I think there should not be any tought opponets left in our bracket, but you can never know. Our first match vs. Hannus Gayming will most likely be the toughest out of them, but they shouldn’t give us any real trouble.
k3mpo: “Okey, thanks for your time and good luck to rest of groupmatches!”
NiNLeX: “Thanks, I hope we can do well in the cup and make it to the finals at least. As a side note, I would like to thank RCTIC eSports for their interest in our team, and I’d like to make our lineup official this weekend, which will represent our sponsors and our organization in upcoming cups and events.”
Gl guys!
GL m8s!