Well, let me introduce myself first, I’m Santeri “SHU” Valkeejärvi. I started online gaming 2006 fall. I started as heavy public cs 1.6 gamer, after I realize that counter strike 1.6 was shit game. Then I bought Counter Strike: Source and played publics like six months. Then I found 5v5 gameform. (And also the little ones). I started playing many of clanbase matches in a day. For a while I played just with my friends and then turned to serious clanbase gaming! With SAmZ and couple of my irl friends we started our serious-clanbase journey. Nowdays when I’m back in online gaming (thx to JackieBoy), I’m playing medic in RCTIC team fortress 2 team.
I’ll have to take little break in July, because of family reasons, so i’m not playing so much then.
When robo wrote blog about our team I was suprised that iso-ville was so novelist! I thought now would be perfect time to make some updates.
After Solid Mojo Lan, our team spirit went very high, because we have seen each other in IRL, except zermu who was too poor to come there. Then we started to practice really hard, and we had some great experience. We have even make our way to division 5 in etf2l. I’m happy with that, because in finnish tf2 scene thinks we are so shitty that we can’t even win a single game in div6. (And we’re raising whole time!)
When Football World Cup 2010 started we haven’t played so much, because of TucE and JackieBoy. They are watching every match everyday.
So, my mainclass is medic in tf2, and those who don’t know what is tf2, I’m the healer of team. I started tf2 as scout (yes I was better than Jackieboy), because Jack told me that scout was easiest class, but then due the player changes I decided to play as medic. (I suprised that zermu let me play medic!) We have very solid team, and everybody have always fun while we are playing together.
TucE and Lil are our team shiny boys, but I think TucE is our in-game leader. At Solid Mojo we tried to get TucE scream to cs:s team, but no hope. Lil is just normal dude from Espoo.
Robo aka Iso-ville and Jackieboy are our team’s teddybears. They have funniest jokes in eSports scene, and always making me laugh.
Zermu is our killer. First zermu was a quite in mumble, but after knowing us, he have started to talk pretty much. Somebody in finnish tf2 scene thinks that zermu was fakenicked Dignitas/Darn! So he frags a lot.
Now I have started my blogger career, hope you liked my text.