Movie corner – 7th October

October 7th, 2010

NOTE: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode!

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An impressing movie about Oliver “koopz” Thorsen. Everything is well done! This might be one of those movies which really deserve to be called a frag movie in my opinion. Sync is GREAT because of very the appropriate soundtrack. Only minus is the too intense glow in some cases. I would say it’s short and efficient.

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Hah! This one made my day. I simply love movies with so cheerful and different soundtrack. Also the editing is lovely. Sky edit is already familiar but it works always. But intro is something which I fell in love with. :) And what about frags? I heard something that some of the players are caught hackers? But I’m not going to get involved with that. I just enjoyed the movie and great frags!

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“Wa-nananananana..!” Kinda YouTube-raped quality but don’t let it disturb you. Download/Watch the movie for better quality from here. So this is a faster-paced kick ass scout/sniper movie from Psycho<3. First one that caught my eye is the title…what the hell? Frags are very nice multiple takedowns and the editing is just clean stuff. It got a little bit boring at halfway but it’s still nice and decent frag movie.
Hmph. This positive attitude starts to piss me off.. I should start picking some crap movies too.. :D

If you have anything to say or comment, please write it below or try to contact me at IRC: tepid @ QuakeNet, #rctic.

Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.


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