Movie corner – 9th December

December 9th, 2010

NOTE: Remember the HD qualty and fullscreen mode!

[game cod4]

When I first noticed that Or1on has relased a new movie, FLAME, I knew that it would kick ass. He didn’t fail yet again. A brilliant and solid CoD4 frag montage. It really doesn’t have any extraordinary special effects. Only the 3D work in flames and texts are well done. Although if some more time would have been spent on them it might be awesome looking. Just some shades etc to make it look like it would appear in the game. But it doesn’t matter. Very nice indeed.

[game cod4]

Wow, I love it!! At first I must admit that this might be my favourite movie of all CoD4 movies. The soundtrack, sync and editing is just my taste. The violet-white theme appears in many places like texts, game models etc. The sync is awesomely married with the frags which are also sick. Colours are perfect except sometimes the glow reflects too much from the gun and sleeves. Speech bubbles are great addition also! Fun! But overall: SICK<3 Nice one, Russian fellas!

[game q3]

Last but not least, Quake Live action. Very similiar to its predecessor Lost Control 1 which is filled by Japanese players. Really, sup at this aim and prediction.. It’s just inhuman. For me atleast. No special effects, just clean fragging! Colours are a bit weird but I think it’s their thing. :D

If you have anything to say or comment, please write it below or try to contact me at IRC: tepid @ QuakeNet, #rctic.

Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.


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