Posts Tagged ‘recruit’

Looking for news writers!

December 15th, 2008

So, as we already stated at earlier news post, we are looking for staff to recruit. Below you can find all the available jobs and details.

Scene news writers:

For games such as CoD-series, CS:S & 1.6

* Activity
* At least 16 years old
* Mature
* Fluent written English
* Good knownledge of the scene
* Knownledge of basic HTML/PHP and BBCode

Coverage writers:

About different online tournaments and LAN-events.

* Activity
* At least 16 years old
* Mature
* Fluent written English
* Knownledge of basic HTML/PHP and BBCode
* If needed, able to work in team with other staff members
* Being able to do live coverage?

How can you apply for some job?
You need to send us an application with the requirements stated above and of course mention your own details about requirements. Also if you have previous experience, mention it and then give some link to news posts you have done. Previous experience of course helps you to get the job. Notice that all chosen ones will have to pass the trial period of one (1) month.

You can send the application via email to or of course you can come to #rctic at and contact rctic\k3mpo`.

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.