Posts Tagged ‘The Group’

Dude, where’s my prize money?

May 30th, 2010

On Friday I took a look a look at what kind of feedback people gives about Solid Mojo, and I wasn’t the only one. The whole The Group’s irc-channel was full of big guys whining about small things. The whole episode started one single email which the head guy behind Solid Mojo had sent to gamers in the event which contained the following snap.

We was excepting such a bad development already about one week before event and that’s when we informed all that we can’t guarantee all the prizemoney. In the current situation our organization hasn’t got enough of money to pay any of prize moneys.

This was what we already excepted before the event itself. There was maximum of over 1000 computer seats and under 300 of them was sold and including all the spectators, organizers didn’t receive enough of money to cover all costs caused by event. But still players were excepting that the prizemoneys would have been payed.

I don’t doubt that there wouldn’t be anything to fix with covering all the costs of event. A computer seat to event was worth of 45 euros. Taking part in NON-BYOC tournament was worth of 25 euros. Most of all moneys organizers got was payed by visitors and most of them wasn’t even interested about these “pro” tournaments, atleast I bet so.

In NON-BYOC tournaments the competitors had computers already waiting by the venue and the entry wasn’t that expensive for them even tho there was ment to be good prizes in those tournaments. The prizes was much smaller for them who had a computer seat and taking part in some tournament.

The whole team from In7 eSports got my respect as they took a part in amateur competitions from what the prizes was high enough to cover the costs of event and to get some cheap pizzas from some local restaurant.

Email contained also this snap:

Organization is taking warrantles credit to pay entry fees back (25 e / person) to people who won some prizemoney.

Already the fact that the organization behind the event, The Group, including all it’s members whom was arranging this event, are working as full volunteer, is missed by most of people. They are taking financial risks to offer some tournaments to these whining kids. Players themselves aren’t feeling any sympathy to organizers and they aren’t even interested. The only thing what the organizers are receiving is a lot of bad feedback. And this a good example to think why different companies aren’t interested in sponsoring Finnish eSports-scene.

In our country’s gaming-scene it’s nothing to do with amount of people who would do their best to get even better tournaments for gamers. Our scene’s terrible situation is caused by selfish gamers themselves, whom couldn’t even think all needed things or think things from some others position.

Is there anyone left who remembers the times when games was played just for passion? It don’t have to be always about money.

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.