aRcticware is RCTIC organization’s own one-man-testgroup which one by one reviews gaming accessories and equipment, games and computer components. The one man dealing behind the content and products is Mika “Leca” Härmä. The idea of aRcticware is to give you an honest review about different products. It won’t be enough for every product to be tested by normal methods so some will end up being tested under
very different conditions.
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Today at aRcticware: Ulti-mat mousepads!
Starring: Ulti-mat Solid x3, Ulti-mat Seven F-X2 and Ulti-mat Breathe X3
Internet gaming of today has risen to hobby, amateur and professional levels as normal sports. While games keep developing more challenging and skills advance to new heights, the equipment starts to gain attention. Yes, gaming nowadays is also dependent on equipment…
Finnish Ulti-mat has succeeded to lift themselves with mousepads designed by them up to the top names of gaming accessory manufacturers. I took contact to Ulti-mat Ltd’s founder, Sami “Koira” Virtakoski, and asked some pads for a review. The mousepads appeared right to my frontdoor at the same day.
Ulti-mat’s pads are known for their big surface areas. Because of this I placed the packages of the mats to lean my two monitors. The monitor on the left is 18,1 inches and right one is 19 inches.
(Click to enlarge the picture)
There it is; the picture tells more than a thousand words. Ulti-mats haven’t gained their reputation about the size for nothing. They really are worth of the stories of them.
To ensure the versatility of the review each of the pads were tested with several very different mouses. The diversity of the mouses is guaranteed because the ones I used varied from the old Amiga’s mouse to the new Razer Salmosa gaming mouse.
(From left to right: Amiga 500, NGS wheelmouse, Logitech MX300 and Razer Salmosa)
Ulti-mat Solid x3
Material: Plastic
Size: 380 mm x 250 mm x 2 mm (14.97inch x 12.61inch x 0.08 inch)
Compatibility: All
Packing: Carton
Technical information:
- Plastic surface
- Natural rubber 2 mm (0.08 inch)
The desing of the Solid is based on rubber which gives an excellent grip to the pad on almost every surface. The surface of the mat is for its part slippery, very thin plastic which ensures a good glide for the mouse. Solid x3 is only modest 2mm by its width but it’s area is wild 380mm x 320mm.
This large pad fits well for example to graphic designer or to a gamer of low sensitivity. Because of its size it doesn’t fit to every table. With Solid it’s possible to use Ulti-mat Add’n'slide mouse feet which are attached to the bottom of the mouse to increase the glide on the pad. To my own needs and gaming experiences Solid offered it enough by itself so feet weren’t needed. The surface gave a great glide and stable movements to all four mouses.
My old gaming mouse MX300 awakes on the Solid and Razer Salmose skates on it like Kiira Korpi on Olympic ice. To my own weird gaming style the surface might be even too slippery and because of this I can’t get it all out of the mat.
Solid is an excellent choise to a gamer or designer who requires certain vigorousness, perfect glide and precise surface.
Glide: 9
Accuracy: 9
Desing and comfort: 9
Ulti-mat Seven F-X2
Material: Plastic coated fabric
Size: 300 mm x 250 mm x 4 mm (11.81inch x 9.84inch x 0.16inch)
Compatibility: All
Packing: Blister + Carton with holder hole
Technical information:
- Plastic coated fabric surface
- Natural rubber 4 mm (0.16 inch)
The newcomer of Ulti-mat is Seven F-X2 in which the width has been doubled compared to Solid. The mat with 4mm width consists of plastic coated fabric surface and rubber bottom.
The fabric of the mat is high quality and offers great gliding, in my opinion. Although the plastic surface has been added by spraying which makes it durable and gives the glide of plastic surface the mat still hasn’t lost its nice touch of fabric.
Seven F-X2 has smaller area than Solid. By its lenght the pad is 300mm and width 250mm. Because of its size this mousepad works great on lan and fits to more several players desks. Despite its size it offers great features for gaming, graphics and many other things which require accuracy.
I also paid attention to the grip on the mat’s bottom. I think those mousepads which cost few euros are familiar to everyone; the ones which slide with the mouse on the table. Seven F-X2 kept sturdily its place on the desk and when I wanted to move it I had to actually lift it up and then move it.
I tested the pad at my home on the glass table, which can be seen in the pictures, my apartment’s laminated floor and on the wooden desk of my workplace.
I have to give a little minus because of the sharp border which atleast on my case disturbed me. My wrist leans on the border of the mousepad and while gaming the sharp edge feels uncomfortable. Though I fixed the situation with Ulti-mat wristband which saved the situation by placing it on the right wrist. ;)
Glide: 9
Accuracy: 9
Design and comfort: 8.5
Ulti-mat Breathe x3
Material: Fabric
Size: 380 mm x 320 mm x 2 mm (14.97inch x 12.61inch x 0.08 inch)
Compatibility: All
Packing: Blister + Carton with holder hole
Technical information:
- Fabric surface
- Natural rubber 2 mm (0.08 inch)
And the last but not by any means the least is the Ulti-mat’s Breathe X3. I have used actively while gaming and working Ulti-mat’s Breathe model since 2005 and after opening the package I noticed that some improvements have been done. Breathe X3 is by its size enormous 380mm x 320mm and 2mm by its width.
Breathe is high quality and soft fabric mousepad. The surface has nice touch, it’s slippery and very precise. Each gamer with some self respect takes good care of the gaming equipment and with Breathe those actions are easy.
During the test I repeated the mistake, which has many times happened to me in the past, on purpose. Icecold Coca-cola in the glass and oopsie; the drink is on the pad. I grab the mousepad with me to the bathroom and wash it with shower. I put it drying for some time and the games can countinue. A vital feature atleast for the undersigned.
I would name the Breath as the flagship of the Ulti-mat. The mousepad is practical, suitable for its size, colaproof and very appropriate for the players wallet. The thinness might disturb some users but even that doesn’t matter because there is a rougher version of the mat. Ulti-mat Breathe F-X3 offers the same mat with 4mm width. With it you won’t notice the flaws of the platform.
Glide: 9
Accuracy: 9
Design and comfort: 9.5
In my opinion, each pad was perfectly suitable for gaming. The thing is that the user has to choose between the surfaces. Seven F-X2 stays still on almost every surface. Solid gives you a large and very slippery surface and in turn Breathe provides a soft and large area.
I recommend to each one who plan to move own gaming experience to the next level to atleast consider buying a mousepad by Ulti-mat.
While waiting for the new Episode of aRcticware, please visit and check out video of something new what Ulti-mat is developing ;)
Good good!