Posts Tagged ‘ulti-mat’

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

December 23rd, 2010

Vuosi 2010 oli mielenkiintoinen vuosi. Siinä mielessä, että suomen skenessä sattui ja tapahtui kaikennäköistä. Oli hienot ESPC lanit ja monia muita hienoja hetkiä tapahtumissa, sekä organisaatioissa. Oli tietysti myös huonoja hetkiä, muttei niitä kannata muistella enää näin loppuvuodesta ja varsinkaan kun jouluaatto on huomenna!

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CounterStrike Source Tournament – Joukkueet ja säännöt!*

December 14th, 2010

Turnaukseen ilmottautuminen on nyt kiinni! On erittäin hienoa nähdä miten paljon turnaus herättää suomen skenessä kiinnostusta ja pahoittelemme sitä, etteivät kaikki ilmottautuneet päässeet mukaan turnaukseen. Turnaus on kahdeksalle joukkueelle ja ensimmäiset kahdeksan ilmottautunutta joukkuetta ovat mukana turnauksessa. GL HF kaikille joukkueille! Alla lista mukana olevista joukkueista, groupit ja säännöt!

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WinterTournament -> CounterStrike Source Tournament!

December 11th, 2010

RCTIC eSportsin suunnittelema WinterTournament Battlefield 2 -peliin herätti paljon mielenkiintoa ja kyselyitä tuli useita koskien kilpailun ajankohtaa ja ketä siihen saa osallistua. Kiitän mielenkiinnostanne turnausta kohtaan, mutta ikävä kyllä joudun ilmoittamaan, että turnaus on peruttu. Syy perumiseen on se, ettemme saaneet tarpeeksi osallistujia siihen, joten turnaus oli siis mahdoton järjestää.

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Picture of News

Pre-order Ulti-mat Chill from

December 1st, 2010

Christmas comes early this year! Few days ago finnish Ulti-mat Ltd released their latest product Ulti-mat Chill Gaming Laser mouse. Now Pelaajanvalinta offers change to pre-order Ulti-mats “Icecold killermachine”.

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Picture of Leca
Leca works in many projects around finnish gaming scene. In RCTIC he brings lots of ideas to organisation.

Ulti-mat announces: Ulti-mat Chill Gaming Laser Mouse

November 28th, 2010

Ulti-mat Ltd has just released a new product what they have been developing for four years.  Here’s little description of Ulti-mat Chill:

About Ulti-mat Chill – Pro Gaming Laser Mouse

The Ulti-mat Chill is a Pro Gaming Laser Mouse with double hand ergonomic design with Claw and Palm grips. The Ulti-mat Chill mouse feature plug-and-play features allows gamers to play at LAN events and tournaments without the need to install specific mouse drivers. The Chill mouse operate at 1000hz and have 4 “on-the-fly” DPI settings. The driver allows you to create macros or combos to your Ulti-mat Chill mouse buttons. The Ulti-mat Chill is Pro Gaming Laser Mouse with full rubber coating on Gaming mouse body. This coating gives the best grip for gamers in hardcore gaming sessions. The Ulti-mat chill has high demand laser sensor which gives out max 5040dpi. The Ulti-mat Chill mouse is designed on the gamers demand.

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Picture of Leca
Leca works in many projects around finnish gaming scene. In RCTIC he brings lots of ideas to organisation.

aRcticware: Episode one – Ulti-mat mousepads

November 24th, 2010

aRcticware is RCTIC organization’s own one-man-testgroup which one by one reviews gaming accessories and equipment, games and computer components. The one man dealing behind the content and products is Mika “Leca” Härmä. The idea of aRcticware is to give you an honest review about different products. It won’t be enough for every product to be tested by normal methods so some will end up being tested under
very different conditions.

Reviews will contain condemn about the items verbally and in shape of RCTIC quality stars. If you want to read a truthful opinion about a product that’s in your mind leave your comment below!

Today at aRcticware: Ulti-mat mousepads!
Starring: Ulti-mat Solid x3, Ulti-mat Seven F-X2 and Ulti-mat Breathe X3

Internet gaming of today has risen to hobby, amateur and professional levels as normal sports. While games keep developing more challenging and skills advance to new heights, the equipment starts to gain attention. Yes, gaming nowadays is also dependent on equipment…

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Picture of Leca
Leca works in many projects around finnish gaming scene. In RCTIC he brings lots of ideas to organisation.

RCTIC welcomes new sponsor: Ulti-mat!

March 23rd, 2010

We here at RCTIC eSports are delighted to announce that we have found a new sponsor which is Finnish company of . Ulti-mat has been in world of businesses for 10 years now as company was founded back in 2000.

Ulti-mat is very excited to sponsor a new, professional and all-finnish team to gain more visibility both in finnish and overseas market areas. From this sponsorship we hope to get even more help from gamers to design, test and develop professional gaming products.” says Sami Virtakoski, the CEO of Ulti-mat Ltd.

We are happy to announce a partnership with Ulti-mat Ltd. We have been scouting for a partner that has a great line of products and a great attitude spiced up with a fresh vision at finnish eSports scene. Ulti-mat is all the above and we believe that the partnership will be long lasting and productive for both parties.“ says Natanael Sinisalo, the PR Manager of RCTIC eSports

About Ulti-mat Ulti-mat Ltd was founded in 2000 in Helsinki, Finland. The first Ulti-mat mouse pad version was manufactured in 2002. Ulti-mat Ltd launched the first completed mouse pad on the 2nd of August 2004 at the Assembly04 event in Helsinki. Since then Ulti-mat has developed three high-end mouse pads and other high quality accessories including mouse feet. Ulti-mat products can be found in many countries. All Ulti-mat products are designed in Finland. Make sure to take a better look what kind of gear Ulti-mat manufactures at their website, . Also, feel free to join their group at !