Posts Tagged ‘rctic’

It’s official! RCTIC brings in a Call of Duty 2 team!

January 20th, 2011

Few months back, back in 2010 we announced that we are taking in a finnish Call of Duty 2 team, but on a trial period. Now we have decided to make it official to have a CoD2 team under our wings. Team has performed quite well online and they visited at [flag fi] Lantrek 2011 event last weekend, where they however didn’t make it to playoffs.

Statement by Niko “ekk1n” Jauhiainen
“We are thankful that RCTIC decided to recruit us into their organization. RCTIC and their sponsors offers all needed support for us. We are going to continue playing at ClanBase’s ladders and also in online tournaments. We’re also aiming to attend all possible LANs with CoD2 in Finland and possibly even travel to Croatia by next summer for upcoming Gamersject LAN. -PEACE!”

RCTIC.CoD2 consists of

[flag fi] Niko “ekk1n” Jauhiainen
[flag fi] Aleksi “rolezeh” Nieminen
[flag fi] Aapo “Bitti” Salo
[flag fi] Juha “emil” Nykänen
[flag fi] Jouni “pabn1” Mäkelä
[flag fi] Janne “omena” Järvinen

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

LanTrek 2011 Win!

January 16th, 2011

Maintained my LanTrek championship by defeating Hemosa in the finals. I used mainly Bruce in the tough matches, but also some Lars. There was an okayish Kuma player I didn’t get to play against. I won Hemosa in Winners finals 3-2 and then 3-0 in the grand finals, 3-0 against Fraeon. I also didn’t get to play against Hemosa’s friend Potta, who has an okayish Steve.

The tournament displays were awful once again. The LG TV had loads of input lag, my estimate would be something like 30 frames. Luckily there was a CRT TV as the other game station. But even that was somehow weird with timings – my guess is that it was an old 50hZ TV instead of the normal 60hZ so it was probably running only 50fps. The tournament format was very good compared to last year – round robin with 4 groups of 4 and then a double elimination bracket of top8. Round robin was bo3 matches, bo5 rounds and the bracket was bo5 matches, bo5 rounds so Hemosa would’ve had to defeat me 6 times in the grand finals. But as we know he didn’t. :)

My prize for #1 is a 50€ gift card to TrioSoft and 6 months subscription of MikroBitti magazine. Hemosa got a box of Teho energy drink. :)

Next tournament will be Winter Assembly in 4 weeks time. See you there!

Thanks to all the supporters and sponsors, especially RCTIC’s cod2 team!

Picture of WuMing
WuMing is RCTIC's Tekken player, the first sponsored fighting game player in Finland. WuMing is also building & organising the scenes of all gamers, especially fighting gamers.

WuMing @ DreamHack Winter 2010 Jönköping, Sweden

November 24th, 2010

Hello world!

I’m Mitja “RCTIC\WúMíng” Mieskolainen, RCTIC’s new Tekken 6 player, the first sponsored one in Finland. I’ll be bringing news and tidings of my gaming and living to RCTIC’s site. I’m also writing stories about the Tekken 6 scene @

So today I’m working late and right after work I’ll be taking the last possible train to Helsinki to spend the night at a friend – Juhana “SivariKing” Jääskeläinen who unsurprisingly plays (King) in Tekken.  I mostly play Lars and Bruce, but know a lot of other characters and will be focusing in the future on learning the basics of all of the 36 characters and improving my mastery of a few of them.

Tomorrow morning I’m flying out to Norrkoping, Sweden.  Juhana is taking the earliest flight at 7 am, while I’ll be taking a later one at 10 am. From there I’ll be heading to Jönköping, the actual event venue of DreamHack Winter.

I’ll be participating in the DreamHack Winter Tekken 6 RockStar Championship tournament & probably also the Super Street Fighter IV tournament, with the main focus in Tekken of course. Korean players “Knee” and “Nin” are confirmed, and will be the favourites to win. Other worthy adversaries include Juho “entomo” Gebhard, “SivariKing”, the British Ryan “Prodigal Son” Hart, Swedish Druidz sponsored player “Drz_Skatan” aka Skatanmilla, other great Swedish player “Boris” aka “The Emperor”.

In the SSF4 tourney there will also be “Drz_Skatan” along with another Druidz-sponsored Swede “Drz_Yagami”, Ryan Hart, etc.

I’ll be doing interviews of the other players and reporting on my hopeful success in the tournaments. Stay tuned! :)

Picture of WuMing
WuMing is RCTIC's Tekken player, the first sponsored fighting game player in Finland. WuMing is also building & organising the scenes of all gamers, especially fighting gamers.


November 8th, 2010

Nyt on aika herättää eräs vanha konkaripeli henkiin..RCTIC eSports järjestää vanhaan kunnon nettiräiskintään Battlefield 2:een viikonlopun mittaisen turnauksen. Tarkoituksena on herättää peli henkiin ja saada ihmiset muistelemaan niitä hienoja hetkiä mitä pelissä koettii! Turnaus alkaa perjantaina 10.joulukuuta ja viimeiset matsit pelataan sunnuntaina 12.joulukuuta. Tarkemmat tiedot aikatauluista ilmoitetaan myöhemmin!

Turnaus on tarkoitettu ainoastaan suomalaisille ja mukaan mahtuu neljä ( 4 ) joukkuetta. Pelimuotona on 5vs5 Infantry eli joukkueissa on viisi (5) pelaajaa. Turnaus pelataan 5vs5 Infantry säännöillä. Säännöt kokonaisuudessaan ilmoitetaan myöhemmin! Turnauksen palvelimet tarjoaa

Turnaukseen voi ilmottautua laittamalla alla olevat tiedot joukkueesta osoitteeseen:

-Joukkueen nimi
*IRC kanava
*Kotisivujen osoite
-Kapteenin nimi ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Pelaajien nimet ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Joukkueen logo ( liitteenä sähköpostiin tai linkki kuvaan )

Turnauksessa on myös mahtavat palkinnot, jotka tarjoavat meille ja

Insomnia XII: RCTIC.TF2 will be featured in TV!

October 29th, 2010

Yeah, that’s right! The well-known finnish eSports website, is broadcasting matches from Insomnia XII LAN and tonight their schedule includes six matches, including our Team Fortress 2 team’s groupstage match.

So, our TF2 team will start their journey at Insomnia against [flag fi] Power Gaming. The match will start at 20.00 CET and as said, it will be broadcasted by TV. Be sure to check out how will our boys do against Finland’s top team!

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

DoD:S team calls it a day, RydeR goes for TF2

October 2nd, 2010

Our organization has recently faced some big chances within the gaming teams. Our Day of Defeat: Source which has been part of our organization nearly as long as RCTIC have just existed, have decided to call it a day and go their separate ways and look for new challenges.

Since Day of Defeat: Source is quite old game by now, the scene isn’t too big nowadays which makes it harder to recruit new players who has some skills and knowledge about the game. And due to this fact, our team have decided to call it a day and stop playing together. Crossi, zr0 and zagge will continue their journey in scene of DoD:S while others will be looking for new challenges from other games like TF2, HoN or SC2.

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Schedule of EPS Season 3 groupstage

August 29th, 2010

One week ago we reported that our Counter-Strike: Source team which is currently stand-in, was selected to take a part in ESL Pro Series Season 3 along with numerous Nordic’s top teams. The groupstage of this season starts on 2nd of September. All groupstage matches will be played during 13 different dates with last date being 11th of November. The full schedule of groupstage for our team looks as follows.

2.9.2010, 20.00 CET- [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [15-15] Lions Esports [flag no]
9.9.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [15-15] eXelon Gaming [flag fi]
16.9.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [16-11] gosu [flag dk]
23.9.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [16-14] ArcticNova [flag no]
30.9.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [15-15] CKRAS Gaming [flag fi]
5.10.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [7-16] DSRack.SharkGaming [flag dk]
7.10.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] 30P Gaming [flag swe]
14.10.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] Team Speedgaming [flag dk]
19.10.2010, 21.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] Dynamic Gaming [flag dk]
26.10.2010, 21.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] teatime xD [flag no]
4.11.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] Team [flag fi]
9.11.2010, 21.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] H2k Gaming [flag swe]
11.11.2010, 20.00 CET – [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [0-0] Reason Gaming [flag dk]

Good luck for the season guys!

EPS Season 3

Our CS:S team selected to ESL Pro Series Season 3!

August 21st, 2010

ESL Pro Series Season 3 will be starting by the end of this month and therefor ESL has released list of teams whom have been selected to participate in Season 3 of Pro Series. This season will feature total of 14 teams and this list includes some well-known teams in European CS:S scene like [flag fi] CKRAS Gaming, [flag dk] DSRack, [flag swe] H2k Gaming and [flag dk] Reason Gaming. Completely list of teams can be found below.

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Old dog can learn new tricks

August 19th, 2010

It has been almost two years since RCTIC saw the daylight. It’s not a long time in a human’s life but in Finnish eSports scene many haven’t been there for so long.

Our journey has been very rewarding: we have been grown up from a small organisation with a pair of squads and few managers into a big community supporting many squads and equipped with an excellent taskforce. We may announce with a good conscience that it is extremely difficult to find this great people from Finland which we have in our organisation and we feel very privileged because we can work with these people. Step by step we are on our way to reach our goal to be the most respected online game organisation in Finland. So this is not the end point; this is just a waypoint on this enjoyable journey.

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Updating the situation & introducing new RCTIC.CSS!

August 11th, 2010

As some of you might have noticed our CS:S and CoD4 squads have been left the organisation because of many player changes and lack of motivation. We want to thank them for their contribution for our organisation and wish good luck for their future.

But today we are also glad to announce our new CS:S squad which will be playing under our tag at ESPC. After a while of negotiations we saw that this team would be the best choise to represent us in the future. So we will have them as team in trial from now on since the lenght of their trial period hasn’t been decided and we see the trial period essential since the situation of the teams of Finnish eSports scene is too unstable at present and we don’t want to take that risk anymore where the team which has been directly taken in starts to change its players or alternatively fold after a month of active playing.

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