Posts Tagged ‘tournament’


November 8th, 2010

Nyt on aika herättää eräs vanha konkaripeli henkiin..RCTIC eSports järjestää vanhaan kunnon nettiräiskintään Battlefield 2:een viikonlopun mittaisen turnauksen. Tarkoituksena on herättää peli henkiin ja saada ihmiset muistelemaan niitä hienoja hetkiä mitä pelissä koettii! Turnaus alkaa perjantaina 10.joulukuuta ja viimeiset matsit pelataan sunnuntaina 12.joulukuuta. Tarkemmat tiedot aikatauluista ilmoitetaan myöhemmin!

Turnaus on tarkoitettu ainoastaan suomalaisille ja mukaan mahtuu neljä ( 4 ) joukkuetta. Pelimuotona on 5vs5 Infantry eli joukkueissa on viisi (5) pelaajaa. Turnaus pelataan 5vs5 Infantry säännöillä. Säännöt kokonaisuudessaan ilmoitetaan myöhemmin! Turnauksen palvelimet tarjoaa

Turnaukseen voi ilmottautua laittamalla alla olevat tiedot joukkueesta osoitteeseen:

-Joukkueen nimi
*IRC kanava
*Kotisivujen osoite
-Kapteenin nimi ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Pelaajien nimet ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Joukkueen logo ( liitteenä sähköpostiin tai linkki kuvaan )

Turnauksessa on myös mahtavat palkinnot, jotka tarjoavat meille ja

TF2 tournament finished: dickenthrope is victorious!

March 14th, 2010

Our very first online tournament has just finished. The Team Fortress 2 Scout 2v2 Cup was a success and with 16 teams it didn’t take long to find a winner. For the winning team dickenthrope our sponsor Pelaajan Valinta is giving 2x SteelSeries QcK Mini Mousepads and Pelaajan Valinta hats from!

We will be arranging more tournaments in the future so you should follow our website and

RCTIC.css in SGL Pre-season Tournament

October 7th, 2009

The SGL is helding Pre Season Tournament. All games will be best of three (even the group games).The five maps will be de_dust2, de_train, de_inferno, de_tuscan, de_nuke.
The whole idea of this is to get teams playing as many games as possible to see who will turn up and play. All teams will play at least 3 or 4 games best of three so it should give an idea where everyone stands skill wise and activity wise.

•Group Game 1: 11th October 2009
•Group Game 2: 12th October 2009
•Group Game 3: 15th October 2009

•First Round of Knockout: 18th October 2009
•Second Round of Knockout: 19th October 2009
•Third Round of Knockout: 22nd October 2009
•Quarter Finals: 25th October 2009

•Semi Finals: 26th October 2009

•Finals: 29th October 2009

Our team is playing in group 25

1 [flag fi] RCTIC eSports
2 [flag hr] virtuaLGaming
3 [flag fo] yourDEMISE
4 Waiting for Apply

Our Css Team starts their match 11.10.09 9:00pm

[flag fo] yourDEMISE * vs [flag fi] RCTIC eSports Club


Picture of SAmZ
SaMZ is the leader of CS:S team and besides that he is the person who is in contacts with our partners/sponsors.

Pelaajan arranges a CoD4 tournament

October 2nd, 2009

Other one of our new sponsors, Pelaajan Valinta, have announced that they’re going to arrange a Call of Duty 4 tournament in cooperation with FDS-clan.

Tournament will be played as 5v5 as normally all leagues are to be played. The are two important dates as for start, last day for signups and tournament’s starting date. There’s no information about tournaments maximum amount of teams yet, but let’s see how big this tournament will grow to. And as in good tournaments, there are prizes for top3. All details announced this far can be found below. All teams are welcomed :)

Last day for signups: 31st of October, 2009
Tournament starts: 9th of November, 2009

Prizes are the following:

- MERC Stealth Keyboard (PC) (Worth of 66,90€)
- Pelaajan Valinta karvalakki
- Shouts worth of 50€ to webmarket
- REAPER Gaming Mouse by Zboard – 1600 dpi (Worth of 29,90€)
- Shouts worth of 25€ to webmarket
- Shopping card worth of 10€ to Pelaajan
- Shouts worth of 10€ to webmarket


Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.