Posts Tagged ‘Blog Fortress’

Blog Fortress #5

November 15th, 2010

Suit up!

Hello world! Long time, no type(hahahaha). What’s up?

Our team has been playing quite a lot you could say. We had couple of officials and we lost 2 maps :((

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!

Blog Fortress #4: Feelings after lan

November 8th, 2010

So as propably everyone knows we were attending Insomnia LAN at Pori last weekend. It was first proper LAN event I have ever attended to so I was pretty excited about it. I travelled with mafu from Power Gaming as he also lives in Vaasa. He really is a nice guy and we had pretty nice trip to Pori and back, thanks for the ride mafu!

So, lets talk a bit about the LAN itself and the games we had. Well, there ain’t really that much to say. Fast games and internet problems sum the whole event up pretty good. Only proper game we had was against Refuse and that also was a bit fucked up because of the internet problems Insomnia was having. Despite all the problems I felt like the match against Refuse was one of the best games I have ever played because the feeling I had during playing was completely different comparing to online games. So thanks to Refuse for one of the best matches of my life!

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Picture of RydeR
RydeR is one the founding members of RCTIC and leader of our DoD:S team.

Blog Fortress #3

October 25th, 2010

“Good evening” -Alfred Hitchok

You know what week it is? IT’S LAN WEEK!!! Insomnia is going to be Legen…wait for it…DARY!

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!

Blog Fortress #1

October 10th, 2010


My name is Jack “JackieBoy” Tarvajärvi and i’m the captain of our TF2-squad.

Our team has started a new blog called: “Blog Fortress“. The reason is that as players we want to give you “fans” an inside in our training and our everyday life :)

A new “chapter” of Blog Fortress will come out every monday! So keep checking for more info ;)

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!