Posts Tagged ‘Summer’

Next ESL EMS season is on it’s way

Monday, August 16th, 2010

So, i decided to write a blog about how things are going with our DoD:s team.

As I haven’t written any blogs before I think I should start by giving a little introduction to who I am. So, my name is Joonas Järvinen, I am a 22 year old student from Vaasa. I am one of the founding members of RCTIC, which have been an interesting road this far and hopefuly it just gets better! And I am also leader of RCTIC DoD:S team. Our team has been in RCTIC for longest time, I think we joined RCTIC at march of 2009 or something like that so I think it is pretty respectable (as we really only have changed couple of players) time for a team involved in eSports where people join and quit organizations for like two months. (more…)

Picture of RydeR
RydeR is one the founding members of RCTIC and leader of our DoD:S team.

Last ”holiday”

Sunday, July 11th, 2010

So, it’s been couple of weeks since my last blogging and I decided to time this one just before my “holiday” ends. Actually it haven’t been a real “holiday” for me as I’ve just been workless since February.

But how’s things going with eSports? Well, as usually during summer it’s always a bit quiet in Finland as people are having their summer holidays and so on. I haven’t really had any motivation lately to do much of news postings to website, only did some coverage about this year’s ESWC event and one Finnish Counter-Strike 1.6 team. I haven’t even done any blogs lately here at our sites since I really haven’t had anything to write about. But now as my spare time is coming to end I decided to write something.

So, I have been on “holiday” during the whole spring and this summer until this day. But then, why does free time come to it’s end? Well, lets say that same reason as some Finnish top CS 1.6 teams have faced some changes, players are going to do their part in the military service. Yes, I’m going to army also tomorrow.. It’s quite nice since there’s quite much of my ex-class/schoolmates and other irl-mates going at same time. There’s also one other good thing besides that. The place where I’m going to do my service is located here at city where I live in. The gates of army’s venue are just like 2 kilometers away from my home, which is really nice. Not long way to home during the holidays from army.

Okey, that’s enough for this time. Peace for now and enjoy the summer and nice weather!

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Welcome Summer 2010! ( Here @ Finland )

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

At first before anyone asks or starts to whine about why am I writing something like this at this point, reason is that Finland’s summer has began now as what comes to weather and feelings!

Midsummer is gone for this Summer and let’s say that it’s where Finland’s summer starts from. It striked over here at Eastern Finland real weather of summer and feelings are also really great even to we’re almost already moved to July. In Finland summer’s beginning has more far away year by year and I’m wondering that what could cause this? Maybe the global warming? I don’t think so as when we ask about old and wise people, they keep saying that they’ve seen things like this before.

Summer is wonderful time. Beauty, romantic, good smells and smiling everywhere you look at. But it really wouldn’t be right if it would be like this around the year in Finland even some would hope so. You would get bored at it really fast and then it would be just some normal stuff in my opinion. Even summer is of course my favourite time of the year, I enjoy about it with doing my job, hanging out with my girlfriend and having really great time at our summer house by Punkaharju. But however, I’m happy that there’s four seasons in Finland: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. All of them has their specialities and bad sides but still they’re all great! In winter the low degrees can cause some bad thoughts and then you start to wish that it would be summer already but when you think it backwards, by summer you sometimes wait for winter because it’s so damn hot in summer with all those flying bugs and stuff!

That was all for now again! I wish you all really great and happy summer! Hopefully you all will enjoy it as much as you can while you can do it. Now those real summer’s hot times are coming for us! AND LET’S ALL WELCOME FINLAND’S SUMMER WITH USING CAPS LOCK!

Peace and love, Jere!

Picture of LeLE
LeLE is a hero from Joensuu city and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.