Posts Tagged ‘tepid’

Pretty good, pretty bad

July 4th, 2010

Hi people! It’s time for blog now because I wanted to tell you how’s it going for me. I gotta say that I’m doing pretty bad now but at the same time pretty ok.

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

Lawn mower racer strikes again

May 23rd, 2010

Hello again peeps! It has been a while since my last blogpost so I decided to make another one which I was supposed to make so many times in the past few days but I always forget it.. I don’t have anything wise to say this time so I just write some bullshit here. :)

I didn’t make it to show up at Solid Mojo as if I was pretty sure that I would have come. But I’m not gonna start to speak about that because the results weren’t really that great and everyone knows about them so I’ll just say that heads up and aim to the future! I’m not sure but I think RCTIC’s next event will be Assembly Summer 2010 and I WILL be there.

I haven’t been so much in the internetz these days because there has been pretty much going on. My second year at high school is starting to reach its end and there’s too much to do…because I’m too lazy of course. Right after that I start off my summerjob which includes pretty much just lawn mower racing. But at the moment I’m in trouble: my girlfriends birthday is on the day after tomorrow and I have no clue what to buy for her.. Tomorrow I gotta find my romantic self (lol wut?) and do something about it. I hope she isn’t reading this.. :D

That’s all for now.. Not gonna force myself to write something anymore. Catch ya’ll later!

Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

Bloggin’ time!

May 6th, 2010

Hi there all! Most of you must be thinking that who the hell is this perverted looking guy so at first I shall introduce myself.

I’m Joel ‘tepid’ Asikainen, 17-year-old student from Mikkeli and I just recently joined RCTIC. Some of you might know me as admin, but not anymore. I had to quit as’s newswriter because I didn’t have enough time to follow the eSports scene. Now I’m kind of a little assistant in RCTIC’s management. It has been fun to work with these people so thank you PassengeR!

My eSports background
I can’t even remember when I got my computer because I have always been on computer. I started online gaming with Battlefield 2 at the age of 13. I was suprised how fun it was to play online against real people. After playing it for almost a year, I joined to my first clan. Then I realized that online gaming is awesome! After I got bored with BF2, it was time to change the game completely. I started to play Call of Duty 2 and I just loved that game. We founded a clan right away and started to play in Clan Base. I kept playing it with same friends for a long time, even after the Call of Duty 4 was published.
Nowadays I don’t play FPS games because our team just vanished, though we still are good friends. Only game I play now is HoN. Studying takes so much time from me so I can’t start playing in clan seriously. Maybe some day again…

How am I doing?
Pretty good! I was at school today where I actually started to feel sick. I felt like my stomach would have been melting. But now I feel fine again. When I got home today, I played few HoN games and they even went nice as if there were some noob leavers because of the open beta. I want that retail NOW!
Hour ago I decided to start up the engine of my 125cc Yamaha. It looked like a shitpile to me so it had to be washed. Tomorrow I’m going to open my driving season with it.

Damn it, I should be studying right now.. Oh well, at least I made my first blogpost. Catch y’all in the next one!

Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.