RCTIC eSports enters CSS-scene

February 8th, 2009

Today we here at RCTIC eSports are happy to announce that we decided to add second gaming-team to our ranks. This time we added a Counter-Strike: Source team.

The team which will be representing our name in the scene of CSS is Finnish team of [flag fi] North92, from now on known as RCTIC.CSS. The team itself is about one month old and was formed by [flag fi] vervaL, who gathered some of his old mates to this team. This team is motivated and players have gain lots of experience in the past. First off, Kermiis have played for Team CMAX.gg. Next three players, [flag fi] vervaL, [flag fi] fAzu and [flag fi] s|y, have played together for MIPC. VervaL and s|y have also played for TheMajestic12 in the past. Last player of team is a upcoming talent, [flag fi] criti, who have played for g2g in the past.


[flag fi] vervaL
[flag fi] Kermiis
[flag fi] s|y
[flag fi] fAzu
[flag fi] criti

Statement by vervaL:
“Hello Counter-Strike Source scene! We are the new CSS team of the RCTIC eSports organization. We are very excited to be a part of such a well managed organization and we are going to do our best to achieve both LAN and online victories. Even though some of us have already played in same team and also in a LAN-tournament, there is still some practicing to do. We’re looking forward to play some fun CSS with a lot of you guys! First tournament we are going to participate in is the Counter-Strike:Source Pro Combo at the Assembly Summer 2009 in Helsinki.”

Statement by COO of RCTIC eSports, k3mpo:
“We’re really happy to announce North92 as our first CSS team. They are motivated and experienced players which will help them to become one of top teams in Finland. We’re really looking forward the co-operation with this team.”

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in Gaming.fi, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Tags: , north92

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