Vote for ESL Major Series MVP

August 15th, 2009

Our Day of Defeat: Source team was competing in first season of ESL Major Series. ESL has now opened a vote for MVP of this tournament. Total of 11 players has been chosen to this vote and even our own DoD:S team’s player, [flag fi] zagge has been chosen to be one of players who can be voted.

Players who can be voted for MVP

[flag se] antrax (zeroPoint! Gaming)
[flag se] exel (zeroPoint! Gaming)
[flag be] Cqrlx7 (eXtensive)
[flag fr] Condor (eXtensive)
[flag fr] MoMo (mysTix)
[flag fr] Oni-DS (mysTix)
[flag dk] JELZ (Ministry of Defence)
[flag de] dastii (myAtera)
[flag be] matziti (FirstFrag)
[flag fi] zagge (rctic)
[flag fr] aZn (mysTix²)

You can vote for MVP from here. Notice that you need to be registered to be able to vote!

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Tags: , mvp, zagge

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