Posts Tagged ‘dods’

RCTIC DoD:S Cup #2 – FirstFrag won!

October 14th, 2010

So, second edition of our night cup has now ended and FirsFrag has claimed the number one spot just ahead of azoic! Congratulations! Final standings and all the results can be found here. We would like to thank every team that participated and we hope that you enjoyed your games and will take part in our tournaments again. As we have planned on hosting new cups we would like the get some feedback so please drop a comment!

RCTIC DoD:S Cup #2

October 13th, 2010

Our first cup was a great success so we have decided to host second one which will be going live tonight at 19cet. Like in our first cup we have been blessed with some of the top teams in Europe like scarleX and Gentle Genocide so we will be having good games tonight!

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DoD:S team calls it a day, RydeR goes for TF2

October 2nd, 2010

Our organization has recently faced some big chances within the gaming teams. Our Day of Defeat: Source which has been part of our organization nearly as long as RCTIC have just existed, have decided to call it a day and go their separate ways and look for new challenges.

Since Day of Defeat: Source is quite old game by now, the scene isn’t too big nowadays which makes it harder to recruit new players who has some skills and knowledge about the game. And due to this fact, our team have decided to call it a day and stop playing together. Crossi, zr0 and zagge will continue their journey in scene of DoD:S while others will be looking for new challenges from other games like TF2, HoN or SC2.

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Next ESL EMS season is on it’s way

August 16th, 2010

So, i decided to write a blog about how things are going with our DoD:s team.

As I haven’t written any blogs before I think I should start by giving a little introduction to who I am. So, my name is Joonas Järvinen, I am a 22 year old student from Vaasa. I am one of the founding members of RCTIC, which have been an interesting road this far and hopefuly it just gets better! And I am also leader of RCTIC DoD:S team. Our team has been in RCTIC for longest time, I think we joined RCTIC at march of 2009 or something like that so I think it is pretty respectable (as we really only have changed couple of players) time for a team involved in eSports where people join and quit organizations for like two months.

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Picture of RydeR
RydeR is one the founding members of RCTIC and leader of our DoD:S team.

DoD:S NightCup #1 – Brackets and rules

May 31st, 2010

So, we here at RCTIC eSports have decided to hold a NightCup for Day of Defeat: Source today, 31st of May. Signups were opened by 27th day of this month via well-known community site of DoD:S, zeroPoint! Cup includes total of 16 teams, who will be fighting tonight that who’s gonna win our very first DoD:S NightCup.

There will be teams like [flag eu] zeroPoint!, [flag uk] cm and [flag fr] rockit taking part in this cup which makes it very interesting. However, now to main thing, below you can find the rules and of course, brackets.

- ALL players must record demos from every round/match.
- Teams got 15 minutes to come to server or forfeits will be handed to opposing team
- Matches are 2×15
- Cup Channel #RCTIC (Please be here atleast 15 minutes before first game)
- Maps are anzio, harrington, argentan and salerno

Final at 20.30 CET – salerno

  • [flag fr] rockit [3-0] RCTIC eSports [flag fi]

Bronze match at 20.30 CET- salerno

  • [flag ru] asq [3-5] stfo [flag eu]

Semifinals at 20.00 CET – argentan

  • [flag ru] asq [0-3] rockit [flag fr]
  • [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [1-0] stfo [flag eu]

Round 2 at 19.30 CET – harrington

  • [flag ru] asq [8-3] Jin-Roh [flag fr]
  • [flag fr] rockit [4-3] w4sp.Acase [flag de]
  • [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [4-3] pod [flag de]
  • [flag eu] stfo [4-3] cm [flag uk]

Round 1 at 19.00 CET – anzio

  • [flag eu] zeroPoint! [0-1] asq [flag ru]
  • [flag de] aw3some [1-4] Jin-Roh [flag fr]
  • [flag fr] rockit [7-0] [flag uk]
  • [flag de] w4sp.Acase [9-1] whatya! [flag eu]
  • [flag fi] RCTIC eSports [5-1] [flag fi]
  • [flag de] pod [12-0] unkn0wn [flag de]
  • [flag eu] stfo [6-3] imgaming [flag de]
  • [flag uk] cm [7-0] kkthxbye [flag pt]
Picture of dods

Our DoD:S team’s player, zg, in zP!’s European Player Rankings

May 27th, 2010

Two days ago zeroPoint! Gaming announced list of European Clan Rankings for this month. Yesterday was turn for Player Rankings!

zP! gathered total of three ranking lists which are rifles, heavies and snipers. Each category has their own point system and all teams who were in European Clan Rankings were asked for their opinions which means total of 11 team got their opinion said. Unfortunately only [flag fi] zg from our DoD:S team managed to get enough of votes to make it to top list and in his case the list is snipers. zg is actually drawing first placement of sniper list with [flag de] micHii from zeroPoint!, with both having 40 points.

Top 5 European Snipers

1. [flag de] micHii – [flag eu] zeroPoint!
1. [flag fi] zg[flag fi] RCTIC eSports
3. [flag fr] pentYum – [flag fr] rockit!
4. [flag pl] alone – [flag uk] casca
5. [flag be] Link – [flag be] Vicious and Evil

With drawing first placement of top snipers, zg and micHii are also drawing their place in dream team.


RCTIC.dod:s in zP!’s European Clan Rankings

May 26th, 2010

Yeah, that’s right! Our very own Day of Defeat: Source team is on 6th placement in zeroPoint!’s European Clan Rankings of May 2010.

This list has been done based on opinios of six panellists. In the future list will however be done with panellists opinions and also one member from each team who was in previous rankings will be asked for their opinion. But now to the main thing, the ranking list itself..

European Clan Rankings of May 2010

1. [flag eu] zeroPoint! Gaming
1. [flag uk] cluthmasterz
1. [flag fr] rockit!
4. [flag be] Vicious and Evil
5. [flag es] Dimegio
6. [flag fi] RCTIC eSports
7. [flag de] w4sp
8. [flag fr] da Roxor united
9. [flag de] pod
10. [flag uk] casca
10. [flag es] HellRaiser


RCTIC eSports with three teams at Solid Mojo!

April 26th, 2010

A finnish LAN-event called Solid Mojo is coming nearer and nearer as there’s only 17 days before the event kicks off! The organizers behind competitions at Solid Mojo have released what teams have been chosen to take a part in NON-BYOC tournaments. There is total of three NON-BYOC tournaments and we have teams taking part in all of them!

Counter-Strike 1.6:

eXelon gaming
RCTIC eSports

Counter-Strike: Source:

eXelon gaming
table for five
RCTIC eSports
The MIPC Organization

Call of Duty 4:

RCTIC eSports
Northern Coder Community
Live Theatre
Luval Gaming
eUrheilu Klubi – kuratus maximus

So, there will be three teams representing us which makes already the count of participants/visitors from our organization to 15. Besides that there will of course be some players coming to hang around from management and other gaming teams, so you will see likely over 20 of us at Solid Mojo!

Solid Mojo

RCTIC.DoD:S in EMS Season VI

April 25th, 2010

Our very own Day of Defeat: Source team will be participating in the ESL Major Series Season VI against some finest teams in the Europe. Total of 16 teams will be competing for prizepurse of 750 euros! These 16 teams have been divided into four groups with four team each. Our team has been given a spot from group c which looks the following:

France cyberAddicts
Spain Dimegio
France what the fock ?!
Finland RCTIC eSports

Prize money distribution:
1. 400 €
2. 200 €
3. 100 €
4. 50 €

And the schedule for groupstage is the following:

  • Week 1 (26th April – 2nd May): dod_anzio / dod_argentan / dod_santos_b3
  • Week 2 (3rd May – 9th May): dod_harrington / dod_salerno_comp / dod_coire_rc3
  • Week 3 (10th May – 16th May): dod_lennon / dod_catania_rc2 / dod_vallente_rc3


taateli makes a comeback to DoD:S team!

April 24th, 2010

Yes, that’s right! The player who left the team because he decided to retire from active gaming is back again! And this player is no one else than Tatu “taateli” Helander! Tatu left the team back in January and team recruited Mika “Crossi” Arttonen to replace him. Besides that, Tatu has been one of the core members of our DoD:S team as he has played with team’s leader, Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen for years now. So, welcome back Tatu and good luck for the team for future’s competitions!

Statement by Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen:
After so many things we have tried out since the latest EMS we have finaly settled out with our current line-up. We brought in Crossi who first came in as our heavy, but he is more comfortable as a rifle so we gave him that place. We have had some guys as try outs as our heavy, but today, after many times of me asking, taateli has decided to come and play with us as our final heavy. There is no way I can descripe how happy I am right now for that.


Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen
Tatu “taateli” Helander
Jaakko “jsk” Tirkkonen
Saku “zg” Lajunen
Tero “zr0” Leino
Anssi “tw Hietaniemi
Mika “Crossi” Arttonen