Few months back, back in 2010 we announced that we are taking in a finnish Call of Duty 2 team, but on a trial period. Now we have decided to make it official to have a CoD2 team under our wings. Team has performed quite well online and they visited at Lantrek 2011 event last weekend, where they however didn’t make it to playoffs.
Statement by Niko “ekk1n” Jauhiainen
“We are thankful that RCTIC decided to recruit us into their organization. RCTIC and their sponsors offers all needed support for us. We are going to continue playing at ClanBase’s ladders and also in online tournaments. We’re also aiming to attend all possible LANs with CoD2 in Finland and possibly even travel to Croatia by next summer for upcoming Gamersject LAN. -PEACE!”
RCTIC.CoD2 consists of
Niko “ekk1n” Jauhiainen
Aleksi “rolezeh” Nieminen
Aapo “Bitti” Salo
Juha “emil” Nykänen
Jouni “pabn1” Mäkelä
Janne “omena” Järvinen