Posts Tagged ‘rctic’

First LAN-event coming up

May 10th, 2010

Hello there folks! Well, this is my first blog which I decided to time just before the upcoming [flag fi] Solid Mojo LAN-event, located in Vantaa.

To start off, maybe I should introduce myself a bit to you guys out there as I haven’t done any blogs before. So, I am almost 20 years old dude from Kajaani and have been working in eSports for many years for now, mainly as news writer at different websites. Besides being a news writer, I am also working at management of this organization. Before we formed RCTIC (yes, I am one of them, who were forming RCTIC back in 2008), I was CEO in organization called Random Gaming which later on joined up with Team However, that project didn’t go as planned and we decided to part ways with CMAX and soon after that we formed RCTIC. Within these years I have been part of many well-known eSports organizations/websites, including and Team NoA (nowadays mTw).

So, then what comes to my job at RCTIC. As mentioned, I am one of the founders and besides that I am Editor in Chief which means that I am mainly the guy who is responsible about writing content about team news and coverage. Next to working in management/news writer in eSports, I’m also a gamer myself. I play FPS-games such as CoD2/CoD4 with my IRL-mates. I also play Bad Company 2 on public, don’t know if I’ll ever try looking for a team and playing matches and so on. I also like of racing games, like TrackmaniaNationsForever and rolegame called Perfect World.

So, three of our teams will be attending Solid Mojo next weekend as CS:S, CS 1.6 and CoD4 teams will be there competing out other teams. That makes already total of 15 of RCTIC members attending and also some guys from other teams and management are going to attend, including me. However, I am going there to do some coverage for Finnish website This LAN-event is going to be my very first LAN that I’m attending to so I will surely be a bit excited and will be looking forward to meet my mates from RCTIC and also

Well, now it’s done, my very first blog. See ya guys at Solid Mojo and hopefully I will have some time to do some blogging at Vantaa also!

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC.cs:s in top 8 list

May 10th, 2010

The Finnish eSports website,, have announced a list about Finland’s top 8 Counter-Strike: Source teams and our team is featured in this list. The list is last month’s toplist but there’s new list coming sometime soon after [flag fi] Solid Mojo LAN-event. All teams were asked about their opinion on what’s top5 like so this list have been made based on team’s votes. Next list is however made with the help of an committee so team’s won’t most likely have a chance to say their opinions anymore. Top 8 list:

1. [flag fi] CKRAS Gaming
2. [flag fi] eXelon Gaming (former KOJOTSONLINE)
3. [flag fi] table for five
4. [flag fi] from roihuvuori h00ds (former eXelon)
5. [flag fi] Afterlife Gaming
6-7. [flag fi] ACSI eSports (former Team Majestic)
6-7. [flag fi] RCTIC eSports
8. [flag fi] Team


Piece of RCTIC.CoD4

May 9th, 2010

Hey everyone, it’s me, Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen and I’ve decided to write my very first blog! Any feedback about content I should write about in future is more than welcome! (Yes, I will be doing this in future as well, so be afraid, be very afraid) My thoughts about my first blog were that I maybe should introduce everyone to who I am and who I play with.

Since most of you don’t know me I just give a short presentation about who I am and what I do in RCTIC. I’m a dedicated gamer from Siuntio, which is about 50 kilometres west from Finland’s capital Helsinki. I’m currently part of RCTIC eSports organization and at the moment my main duty lies in being the captain of CoD4-squad.

Few weeks have passed since me and my fellow gamers joined RCTIC and we have had our ups and downs, we finished 2nd in cup, which was a very good achievement from us, but due to certain reasons we had to make a lineup change only 1,5 weeks before LAN. This change was kinda predicted though and we don’t have to start from a scratch, since our change concerns a guy who we had been playing with for weeks before, Jalmari, who wasn’t sure if he could join us at LAN, but now that he knew he could, we are more than happy to welcome him. But someone always has to step aside and this time it was Miikka. It is sad that he told us he won’t try to find a new team, since he is such a great guy for any team to pick up, but I’d like to wish him luck in future and apologize if we (or I ) left him with something to regret.

And so our team will be moving on with our biggest goal of the moment, Solid Mojo, being only few days away. To make success at LAN, we have to build our team potential to top, both game and mentalwise. We basically have 3 potential days to practise left, it’s not much, but we have to manage with it. And since most of you people are not familiar with my teammates, I thought it might be best if I introduced them to you! Instead of sharing their nicks, which you might already know, I think I’d like to share something else about them instead, some of my favorite quotes that is!

Janne “better won” Yläoutinen, the guy who is always laughing or making jokes, he brought me back to this game and it’s definitely worth playing with him! I think of him as an irreplaceable teammate, his game is always solid and he never rages like me! He gives us some of the best laughs on top of his amazing clutches. On top of that, he is cute <3___<3 Or well, at least he says so…

Daniel “ninlex they have typoed my nick AGAIN on that site” Jansson, being the junior of the team, he brings us the greatest talent Finnish cod4-scene has seen from such a young player. Because he is so small guy he needs something longer than his hand to get those frags and that is why we have entrusted him the role of scope in our team. It was me who picked him up last fall from the depths of Internet and trained him as my padawan and seems my apprentice has surpassed his master in terms of pure skill. And those who doubt him should watch him destroy our opponets at lan (as long as map is not mp_shittystreets as he might call it)

Santeri “I have ninlex-syndrome, I failed” Neste I don’t know that well as I know Daniel and Janne, but with the small time we have had together so far, he has proved to be a player that is always willing to learn something new. He reminds me a bit of my ex-teammate, who I could control like a robot with a remote. So I just plant him somewhere and put him on turrent mode so he can start to destroy without questioning why I put him there. But sometimes it’s better to put his chip back on “learning mode” and let him think for himself when it is time to clutch 2v5 with someone. I see him as a guy who can adjust well to playing with anyone and that’s type of a guy we need, because our team has a so different personalities.

Jalmari “I think it’s Luboshmir-time” Hakunti, he rules the game, the destroyer, the guy who is ready to play with any given weapon. He is our second smg, but in case we are in need of special long range assault assistance, he will transform into a fearsome “Luboshmir” and pick up M4 with desert camouflage to mindrape his opponets and to boost our confidence. This homie is usually top fraggin’ so he is also braggin’ about “Ima fuck ya up at LAN”.

I look forward to meeting these guys I’ve been playing with at LAN and ofcourse, win together with them! But I’m also looking forward to meet the rest of the RCTIC, since we have 3 squads attending (which is already 15 players!) and some management as well. So see you guys at LAN and good fragging!

PS. Something from my life outside of gaming. I got my driving license 2,5 weeks ago and I thought that “this is going to make my life so much easier”, but actually it’s a bit bothersome as well. My sister just called me that I need to pick her up from stables AGAIN (yes, she goes there almost every day) and the trip, “there and back” driven by Lauri Vanhanen takes about 40 minutes. But well, I guess that is just preparing for the time when I have to take my own kids to their practise, school etc.

Picture of NiNLeX
NiNLeX is the leader of CoD4 team

Thanks for the past year!

April 27th, 2010

It’s been a bit over one year since i joined organization of RCTIC. I was looking for a organization for my CS:S team and after an short tryout period we managed to get our spot in organization. Today’s lineup is much different related to those times and so have changed my status in organization. At first I was just leader of CS:S team but nowadays I’m also part of skilled management team. Without all these fellow mates I wouldn’t be writing here.

Who is RCTIC SaMZ?
I bought my first computer about four years ago. It was a laptop which was bought just for paying the bills. By then I also bought Call of Duty, what I later on played a lot on publics sometimes even without any sleep. Then on one day I was at a bootcamp with my friend, just two of us. During this bootcamp I saw game called Counter-Strike: Source which caused my interest towards rise up.

Later on we played much of Clanbase matches and then enemies were whining that how a 26 years old playes CS:S. Usually enemies said: “Get wife and kids” but that was already done as I got wife and three children. What could I hope besides that? Then, about one year ago I came up with a thought that this would be the game that I should test for real.

I have always thought that who ever can learn anything without checking your age or gender so why couldn’t 30 years old guy play CS:S on a higher level? Of course that would require a team but that’s what I’ve been lucky with. Team has contained and still contains really cool and nice guys. I couldn’t hope a better team to play with. I have also learned much of things from the younger guys here what I have been missing during these years.

There is also one other good side on gaming and that’s good memories and it’s one of the reason I am doing this. I have said to the boys many times as a joke: “At the age of 50 SaMZ will still be playing CS:S against bots”. Maybe then later on in the retirement center I will be showing grandmoms how to play with computers.

How are the things going nowadays?
RCTIC eSports has grown a lot within last year. With power of five gaming teams and eight persons in management this organization has worked hard to become what it is now and there’s still a lot of stuff to do in the future. Day of Defeat: Source and Counter-Strike: Soure teams have been in organization for long time already, longer than any other team. Team Fortress 2 team was recruited in early 2010. Soon after TF2 we signed in Counter-Strike 1.6 team and now later in this spring it was time for Call of Duty 4 team. But then comes the question, why these teams? My personal opinion is that the teams that has motivation and potential and have goals to aim for should be given a chance to show what they can really do. And our teams are just like that.

Counter-Strike 1.6 team consists of bunch of nice guys who also have skills. I am sure that if boys just can keep their heads up and work hard, they will rise more to the top. There was some problems in the team though as some player changes came up but finally it looks like they have found the right lineup to continue with.

Team Fortress 2 team is a bit different related to others and so is the game. What do I mean with this being differend? Well, people who knows Jack knows what I mean. Jack is the guy from who many persons should have as a rolemodel. This far, I haven’t seen a single day when he wouldn’t be happy. While talking with him you just can’t be without laughing and that’s what brings some good to the day. Boys are still working hard to get better and get more well-known in the scene but we have lots of faith in them. You will see some day what I mean.

Call of Duty 4 team is the only team which still is a bit foreign to me. I haven’t had a chance to get known with each other with them but they have already taken their place in organization’s private channel which is a good thing. Guys are chatting and throwing links there which is always good to keep chatting up in our organization. When NiNLeX first came to ask a spot for CoD4 team I right away realised that what kind of team we were talking about here. Team with skilled players who are also nice guys is just what the organization needs.

Then what comes to Day of Defeat: Source team. They have been in from very beginning and they are one of the top teams in Europe. There’s one thing what I really want to arrange for these guys. What else could it be than sending them to some LAN-event in Europe as there’s no LAN’s with DoD:S competition in Finland. They are a team who really deserves it!

What comes to CS:S team then?
Hhhmm, what should I say about CS:S team then? It’s always easy to say good things from the players from your own team. But as I am playing with them a lot, of course I should introduce them a little. This is definately the best team I have ever played with.

You couldn’t always believe that Janne (zwhR) is the youngster of team. He has so much gamesense that he would deliver it to others. Skilled with AWP and unbeliavable loyal to the team.

Aleksi (recci) joined up the team after period of inactivity and took the spot of in-game leader which is really important. Without him this team wouldn’t be anything it is nowadays. It’s hard to find as calm player as Aleksi is.

And what about our Nico with the C (NipA). I don’t know anyone else who enjoys the game as much as he does. Guy with lots of humor and skills so game wouldn’t be anything without him.

Then to our newest guy, Teppo (TEBBOU). If someone just would hear his jokes, he could right away write a book of those jokes. I can’t believe that from where he figures our all those jokes and with such a great timings! This all makes him a really great mate!

Unfortunately Natanael (PassengeR) had to take a little break from gaming due to irl commitments but I’m happy that I can still enjoy him being part of us. I bet that he is one of the must trustworthy persons on earth. All the trips what we have done with him have been even more than great! Really great moments and I can’t wait what future brings.

And last but not least, I want to thank our management team for trusting and for all that work what they have done for this organization. snd, LeLE, k3mpo, RydeR, tepid and Jonsku deserves a really big thanks! And of course we can’t forget the smarter gender so thank you Riina! Afterall the most important thanks goes to my wife. Thanks that you have been understanding for all those gaming sessions during evenings/nights, I couldn’t hope better wife than you!

Picture of SAmZ
SaMZ is the leader of CS:S team and besides that he is the person who is in contacts with our partners/sponsors.

RCTIC eSports with three teams at Solid Mojo!

April 26th, 2010

A finnish LAN-event called Solid Mojo is coming nearer and nearer as there’s only 17 days before the event kicks off! The organizers behind competitions at Solid Mojo have released what teams have been chosen to take a part in NON-BYOC tournaments. There is total of three NON-BYOC tournaments and we have teams taking part in all of them!

Counter-Strike 1.6:

eXelon gaming
RCTIC eSports

Counter-Strike: Source:

eXelon gaming
table for five
RCTIC eSports
The MIPC Organization

Call of Duty 4:

RCTIC eSports
Northern Coder Community
Live Theatre
Luval Gaming
eUrheilu Klubi – kuratus maximus

So, there will be three teams representing us which makes already the count of participants/visitors from our organization to 15. Besides that there will of course be some players coming to hang around from management and other gaming teams, so you will see likely over 20 of us at Solid Mojo!

Solid Mojo

taateli makes a comeback to DoD:S team!

April 24th, 2010

Yes, that’s right! The player who left the team because he decided to retire from active gaming is back again! And this player is no one else than Tatu “taateli” Helander! Tatu left the team back in January and team recruited Mika “Crossi” Arttonen to replace him. Besides that, Tatu has been one of the core members of our DoD:S team as he has played with team’s leader, Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen for years now. So, welcome back Tatu and good luck for the team for future’s competitions!

Statement by Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen:
After so many things we have tried out since the latest EMS we have finaly settled out with our current line-up. We brought in Crossi who first came in as our heavy, but he is more comfortable as a rifle so we gave him that place. We have had some guys as try outs as our heavy, but today, after many times of me asking, taateli has decided to come and play with us as our final heavy. There is no way I can descripe how happy I am right now for that.


Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen
Tatu “taateli” Helander
Jaakko “jsk” Tirkkonen
Saku “zg” Lajunen
Tero “zr0” Leino
Anssi “tw Hietaniemi
Mika “Crossi” Arttonen

RCTIC eSports welcomes CoD4 team

April 24th, 2010

Now it is official! We are officially welcoming a team that has been on a tryout for a while!

We have decided to grow up our organization once again within this year as this time we are bringing in a Call of Duty 4 team. The team is quite new as it was formed likely few months ago, by time Solid Mojo LAN was announced. Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen was contacted by a team which contained three familiar players to him. After that they started to look for suitable fifth player to complete team and they decided to contact Miikka “micTAO” Lappi who then filled the last spot. However, one of the players, robez, was contacted by other team, nowadays known as x9.Syndrome and he decided to change team. Then our team had two players to fill again the last spot and boys decided to take a part in CoD4 Challenge and see how team works. During this cup they decided to bring in Santeri “qoop” Neste as 5th player.

Brand new RCTIC.CoD4 will be seen in action at Solid Mojo LAN within 14th to 16th of May.

Statement by NiNLeX:
Me & my teammates are very pleased to have this great opportunity to represent RCTIC eSports and all their sponsors as a CoD4-squad. After lots of talking with managers, I’m confident that RCTIC eSports is the best organization for us, being not too good or too bad. As a CoD4-squad we are eager to show our talent and dedication to the game with RCTIC backing us up with their support. Our first real test will most likely be Solid Mojo LAN, which is held at Vantaan Energia Areena 14-16.5.2010. We did well in an online-cup and we still have finals vs. current Finnish number 1. team, x9, formerly known as xtothed and Epsilon. We are doing our best to prepare to face them at LAN. I believe our team is one of those few in Finland that has potential to beat them, time will tell. Last I’d like to give shoutout to all RCTIC sponsors, because their support is really important part of our success. So a big shoutout to Ulti-mat, Genrewear, Pelaajan Valinta and Red Devil Energy Drink. Another big shoutout goes to the RCTIC management who made all this possible, especially shoutouts to SaMZ, PassengeR, RydeR, k3mpo & snd who I’ve been most in contact with. Last shoutout goes to all my teammates, current and ex. Especially to Janne, who helped me to motivate for the game once again after a longer period of inactivity. CU guys at LAN and wish our team the best of luck.

RCTIC.CoD4 contains the following players:

Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen
Janne “JANNE” Yläoutinen
Daniel “dansu” Jansson
Miikka “micTAO” Lappi
Santeri “qoop” Neste

Picture of cod4

RCTIC.cs undergoes changes

March 24th, 2010

A bit over one month ago we decided to bring in a Finnish Counter-Strike 1.6 team of waterloo. Since then they have been playing more or less active. All was fine until team faced some internal problems which caused two players, Toni “chuNk” Saarinen and Jesse “jezi” Nurmi, to go inactive and therefor our three remaining players had to start looking for replacements. After looking for suitable players for a while, our boys found Jukka “JukkaN” Hopeavuori and Henri “tErppa” Väyrynen, who both are former players of Antura.

RCTIC.cs team will be seen in action at upcoming Solid Mojo LAN later this spring.

RCTIC.cs consists of

Rolf “FOOZE” Frid
Jukka “JukkaN” Hopeavuori
Henri “tErppa” Väyrynen
Rami “caqtRr” Valve
Jarno “frieze” Lindholm

Picture of News

RCTIC welcomes new sponsor: Ulti-mat!

March 23rd, 2010

We here at RCTIC eSports are delighted to announce that we have found a new sponsor which is Finnish company of . Ulti-mat has been in world of businesses for 10 years now as company was founded back in 2000.

Ulti-mat is very excited to sponsor a new, professional and all-finnish team to gain more visibility both in finnish and overseas market areas. From this sponsorship we hope to get even more help from gamers to design, test and develop professional gaming products.” says Sami Virtakoski, the CEO of Ulti-mat Ltd.

We are happy to announce a partnership with Ulti-mat Ltd. We have been scouting for a partner that has a great line of products and a great attitude spiced up with a fresh vision at finnish eSports scene. Ulti-mat is all the above and we believe that the partnership will be long lasting and productive for both parties.“ says Natanael Sinisalo, the PR Manager of RCTIC eSports

About Ulti-mat Ulti-mat Ltd was founded in 2000 in Helsinki, Finland. The first Ulti-mat mouse pad version was manufactured in 2002. Ulti-mat Ltd launched the first completed mouse pad on the 2nd of August 2004 at the Assembly04 event in Helsinki. Since then Ulti-mat has developed three high-end mouse pads and other high quality accessories including mouse feet. Ulti-mat products can be found in many countries. All Ulti-mat products are designed in Finland. Make sure to take a better look what kind of gear Ulti-mat manufactures at their website, . Also, feel free to join their group at !

RCTIC CS:S attending ESPC 2010

March 14th, 2010

Our Counter-Strike:Source team is attending Finnish Esports Challenge that is held at 3rd – 4th of April in Helsinki, Finland. In this event the top 10 Finnish CS:S teams will go head to head to show their skills in this fast paced FPS game.

In ESPC 2010 there will be also the first finnish streamed Battlefield Bad Company 2 game where Menace and Z-partio will face off in 8v8 conquest.

Counter-Strike:Source teams attending

[flag fi] eXelon Gaming
[flag fi] Team Frostbyte
[flag fi] RCTIC eSports club
[flag fi] Team Menace
[flag fi] troublemakerz
[flag fi] Crystal Sky
[flag fi] dtekt eSports
[flag fi] Overdosed Gaming

For more information you should visit the ESPC 2010 website.