Posts Tagged ‘samz’

Back in business!

May 25th, 2010

Back in business!

It’s been about six months since I was working active for RCTIC and that’s really long time. Now I am planning on making a comeback even more motivated. And as for start for my first blog I’ll introduce myself.

Who is Jere “LeLE” Alanen?
So, my name is Jera Alanen and I’m 18 yeard old and my nick in the world of internet is LeLE. I’m living in Finland’s East side in city of Joensuu. Few weeks ago I decided to move into my own department in downtown of Joensuu with my girlfriend so feel free to come by and let’s drink some coffee! I’m studying in technical college on building line and my last year is starting on the upcoming Fall. For all who are thinking about same line than Im studying I give an advice; go to some other line even tho you’d like doing some building job as the job isn’t the best when thinks about the payments we get… But that’s enough about me for now, let’s move on!

LeLE + RCTIC = ?
So, how am I compared to RCTIC? I was forming this great Finnish eSports organization back in 2008 with Toni, Joonas and some other great dudes after we decided to part ways with We were aiming on forming an organization what supports motivated and upcoming talents in Finnish scene so they could get more well-known in the scene of eSports. All stuff was going great back then even we had some problems with couple of teams which we however got solved out and after all things started to roll great and are still rolling really well! I’d like to thank all the players and members of our management for their own output for this organization. Especially big thanks goes to SaMZ and PassengeR who have done really great job and got our name more well-known and they’ve even got nice deals done with Ulti-mat and Pelaajan Valinta!
But then back to my period of inactivity. I decided to step down for a while due to irl commitments (work, school and so on). But so, now I am getting back into the business even more motivated and feeling really great! I’m really willing to keep this organization up with my mates and achieve our goal which is to get our players more well-known and to the top level! I promise that RCTIC is coming and going to great success within upcoming years!

How about my gaming then?
Yeah, some people knows that I used to play active on teams few years ago. I started gaming quite young but interest towards FPS games rised up at age of 11-12 when we got Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam. That’s when I started gaming and for first time I started playing in teams when Battlefield 2 was released and we were doing quite okey back then we were like little boys. I have also played Call of Duty 4 but I didn’t like it so I decided to end my career with playing in teams and nowadays I don’t play much of games anymore. Only a little of Battlefield 2 when I visit by my parents as this i-net connection my girlfriend has on her laptop isn’t good for gaming.

That’s it for now. I will be writing more blogs sooner or later! But I’m back with strenght of 110% and I promise that we’ll be doing some great things with dudes in the future!

Peace for now, Jere!

Picture of LeLE
LeLE is a hero from Joensuu city and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Friday with SaMZ

May 25th, 2010

I have had some problems with publishing photos for long time now. Reasons behind this are that I am too hard on myself, I’m excepting too much from them. But now i’m always trying to publish some amount of photos from events/trips relating to our organization. Just to make sure that i can publish photos easier in future.

By last Friday I once again headed over to Helsinki to discuss about all the stuff with Sami. And on this weekend we managed to make our first videoblog where we were explaining a bit about our organizations situation at the moment. By that day we also decided to meet one of our sponsors and after that we decided to play some minigolf.

Read the rest of this entry »

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

Videoblog: Feelings after Solid Mojo

May 22nd, 2010

SaMZ and PassengeR talks about things after Solid Mojo. There is also English subtitles now!

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

Thanks for the past year!

April 27th, 2010

It’s been a bit over one year since i joined organization of RCTIC. I was looking for a organization for my CS:S team and after an short tryout period we managed to get our spot in organization. Today’s lineup is much different related to those times and so have changed my status in organization. At first I was just leader of CS:S team but nowadays I’m also part of skilled management team. Without all these fellow mates I wouldn’t be writing here.

Who is RCTIC SaMZ?
I bought my first computer about four years ago. It was a laptop which was bought just for paying the bills. By then I also bought Call of Duty, what I later on played a lot on publics sometimes even without any sleep. Then on one day I was at a bootcamp with my friend, just two of us. During this bootcamp I saw game called Counter-Strike: Source which caused my interest towards rise up.

Later on we played much of Clanbase matches and then enemies were whining that how a 26 years old playes CS:S. Usually enemies said: “Get wife and kids” but that was already done as I got wife and three children. What could I hope besides that? Then, about one year ago I came up with a thought that this would be the game that I should test for real.

I have always thought that who ever can learn anything without checking your age or gender so why couldn’t 30 years old guy play CS:S on a higher level? Of course that would require a team but that’s what I’ve been lucky with. Team has contained and still contains really cool and nice guys. I couldn’t hope a better team to play with. I have also learned much of things from the younger guys here what I have been missing during these years.

There is also one other good side on gaming and that’s good memories and it’s one of the reason I am doing this. I have said to the boys many times as a joke: “At the age of 50 SaMZ will still be playing CS:S against bots”. Maybe then later on in the retirement center I will be showing grandmoms how to play with computers.

How are the things going nowadays?
RCTIC eSports has grown a lot within last year. With power of five gaming teams and eight persons in management this organization has worked hard to become what it is now and there’s still a lot of stuff to do in the future. Day of Defeat: Source and Counter-Strike: Soure teams have been in organization for long time already, longer than any other team. Team Fortress 2 team was recruited in early 2010. Soon after TF2 we signed in Counter-Strike 1.6 team and now later in this spring it was time for Call of Duty 4 team. But then comes the question, why these teams? My personal opinion is that the teams that has motivation and potential and have goals to aim for should be given a chance to show what they can really do. And our teams are just like that.

Counter-Strike 1.6 team consists of bunch of nice guys who also have skills. I am sure that if boys just can keep their heads up and work hard, they will rise more to the top. There was some problems in the team though as some player changes came up but finally it looks like they have found the right lineup to continue with.

Team Fortress 2 team is a bit different related to others and so is the game. What do I mean with this being differend? Well, people who knows Jack knows what I mean. Jack is the guy from who many persons should have as a rolemodel. This far, I haven’t seen a single day when he wouldn’t be happy. While talking with him you just can’t be without laughing and that’s what brings some good to the day. Boys are still working hard to get better and get more well-known in the scene but we have lots of faith in them. You will see some day what I mean.

Call of Duty 4 team is the only team which still is a bit foreign to me. I haven’t had a chance to get known with each other with them but they have already taken their place in organization’s private channel which is a good thing. Guys are chatting and throwing links there which is always good to keep chatting up in our organization. When NiNLeX first came to ask a spot for CoD4 team I right away realised that what kind of team we were talking about here. Team with skilled players who are also nice guys is just what the organization needs.

Then what comes to Day of Defeat: Source team. They have been in from very beginning and they are one of the top teams in Europe. There’s one thing what I really want to arrange for these guys. What else could it be than sending them to some LAN-event in Europe as there’s no LAN’s with DoD:S competition in Finland. They are a team who really deserves it!

What comes to CS:S team then?
Hhhmm, what should I say about CS:S team then? It’s always easy to say good things from the players from your own team. But as I am playing with them a lot, of course I should introduce them a little. This is definately the best team I have ever played with.

You couldn’t always believe that Janne (zwhR) is the youngster of team. He has so much gamesense that he would deliver it to others. Skilled with AWP and unbeliavable loyal to the team.

Aleksi (recci) joined up the team after period of inactivity and took the spot of in-game leader which is really important. Without him this team wouldn’t be anything it is nowadays. It’s hard to find as calm player as Aleksi is.

And what about our Nico with the C (NipA). I don’t know anyone else who enjoys the game as much as he does. Guy with lots of humor and skills so game wouldn’t be anything without him.

Then to our newest guy, Teppo (TEBBOU). If someone just would hear his jokes, he could right away write a book of those jokes. I can’t believe that from where he figures our all those jokes and with such a great timings! This all makes him a really great mate!

Unfortunately Natanael (PassengeR) had to take a little break from gaming due to irl commitments but I’m happy that I can still enjoy him being part of us. I bet that he is one of the must trustworthy persons on earth. All the trips what we have done with him have been even more than great! Really great moments and I can’t wait what future brings.

And last but not least, I want to thank our management team for trusting and for all that work what they have done for this organization. snd, LeLE, k3mpo, RydeR, tepid and Jonsku deserves a really big thanks! And of course we can’t forget the smarter gender so thank you Riina! Afterall the most important thanks goes to my wife. Thanks that you have been understanding for all those gaming sessions during evenings/nights, I couldn’t hope better wife than you!

Picture of SAmZ
SaMZ is the leader of CS:S team and besides that he is the person who is in contacts with our partners/sponsors.