Hello there folks! Well, this is my first blog which I decided to time just before the upcoming Solid Mojo LAN-event, located in Vantaa.
To start off, maybe I should introduce myself a bit to you guys out there as I haven’t done any blogs before. So, I am almost 20 years old dude from Kajaani and have been working in eSports for many years for now, mainly as news writer at different websites. Besides being a news writer, I am also working at management of this organization. Before we formed RCTIC (yes, I am one of them, who were forming RCTIC back in 2008), I was CEO in organization called Random Gaming which later on joined up with Team CMAX.gg. However, that project didn’t go as planned and we decided to part ways with CMAX and soon after that we formed RCTIC. Within these years I have been part of many well-known eSports organizations/websites, including Cadred.org and Team NoA (nowadays mTw).
So, then what comes to my job at RCTIC. As mentioned, I am one of the founders and besides that I am Editor in Chief which means that I am mainly the guy who is responsible about writing content about team news and coverage. Next to working in management/news writer in eSports, I’m also a gamer myself. I play FPS-games such as CoD2/CoD4 with my IRL-mates. I also play Bad Company 2 on public, don’t know if I’ll ever try looking for a team and playing matches and so on. I also like of racing games, like TrackmaniaNationsForever and rolegame called Perfect World.
So, three of our teams will be attending Solid Mojo next weekend as CS:S, CS 1.6 and CoD4 teams will be there competing out other teams. That makes already total of 15 of RCTIC members attending and also some guys from other teams and management are going to attend, including me. However, I am going there to do some coverage for Finnish website Gaming.fi. This LAN-event is going to be my very first LAN that I’m attending to so I will surely be a bit excited and will be looking forward to meet my mates from RCTIC and also Gaming.fi.
Well, now it’s done, my very first blog. See ya guys at Solid Mojo and hopefully I will have some time to do some blogging at Vantaa also!
Blog has been updated a bit since I fucked up with publishing it too early by mistake :(
hyvä kempo tsemppaa pojat voittoo siel ;)