On next day we woke up around the noon due to last night when we went to sleep quite late. CS 1.6 team’s semfinal was scheduled to start in couple of hours so they started to get ready for leaving to venue. We had only one car in use so we started to figure out how to get to venue. However we found out that it wasn’t possible to get there by car so we had to make it by some other way. Before we left to venue we still played a bit of Guitar Hero.
Matches had already started when we got to event area. First match didn’t go well so we had the bronze match waiting for us. Boys cheered themselves up really well and played a tight match against munkka which ended up 2-1 in favour of munkka.
Tournaments was over and most of our players had already left from venue so we started to make some plans for the night. After a while of chatting, we decided to go to Kannelmäki (where SaMZ lives) with Jonsku and JackieBoy.
The whole CS:S team was also gathered by Sami’s place and evening was starting to turn up into night.
During the evening Jonsku was having some fun with videocamera and got some interviews from our players.
There was also a grill in the yard but it was having some hard time as coals were running out.
When night was turning out to early morning everybody started to leave to their own places. Jonsku managed to get his friend to take us back to Mellunmäki even it was 6am. With this, weekend was finally ended.