As in our review of first day at Solid Mojo was mentioned, our Counter-Strike 1.6 team was the only team from our organization who made it throught to playoffs with placing second in their group just after PlayZone.
Today was time for playoffs and first was the semifinals. Our team faced team of eXelong Gaming which contained some famous names in Finnish scene such as Joona “natu” Leppänen and Slaava “Twista” Räsänen. Our team didn’t have much of chances and eXelon took victory by 2-0 score and made it to the grand final while our team was sent into the bronze match. Few hours ago our team played their bronze match where they faced
munkka. Munkka overran (16-3) their map choice which was de_train. Our team chose de_inferno and this time it was our team who was likely overrunning as score after two both halfs was 16-7 in favour of our team. Last map and deciding one was de_nuke. Our team managed to start this map on the so called “easier side”, CT’s. However, munkka was giving some hard time and they managed to get a 8-7 lead after first half. Then our team fought back well and was giving some hard time to munkka but after all munkka decided to grap the needed rounds ending the map in score of 16-13. This ment that munkka placed 3rd and our team got 4th placement from the very first lan under our name! Congratulations boys!
Oh and by the way, our Team Fortress 2 player, Ville “robo” Seikkula, took a part in Heroes of Newerth (HoN) 5on5 with his friends. They managed to win this tournament and will receive the prize money of 500€!
tuurilla päsivät jajtkoon… kivimäen pelaaja nukkui pommiiin ja rctic ei antanut niiden ottaa toista pelaajaa pelaamaan…… tiesitvät ilmeisesti ette häviö olisi ollt pelin lopputulos..
joo olisi ollut kyllä kiva pelata kivimäkeä vastaan pronssiottelussa.. ei ollut vastusta rcticistä
Very good job dudes!
Pah, oma vikansa se on jossei osaa herätä. Ja onhan se väärin ottaa parempia pelaajia tilalle jotka on jo toisessa tiimissä. Kyllä rctic ois vieny reilusti muutenkin =)
Itse käsitin asian niin, että shaker oli lähtenyt jonnekkin riekkumaan tapahtumapaikalta. Sitten kivimäki tarjoutui pelaamaan pelin luken kanssa, joka pelasi myös toisessa tiimissä compossa. Eri asia olisi ollut, jos he olisivat ottaneet varapelaajaksi jotain, joka ei muuten ollut pelaamassa compossa, mutta sekin olisi liikkunut jo hieman harmaalla alueella. Se, että shaker ei päässyt pelaamaan tuota ottelua ei tietääkseni ole meidän vika.