Solid Mojo: First day in photos

May 19th, 2010

The schedule at Solid Mojo were quite nicely delayed and due to that I didn’t have a chance to write anything or publish and photos from the event-area. After all there was around 600 photos in my camera’s memory card. After weekend with lots of work and great experiences it’s anyways good to write an overview from the event, even it’s already been few days since event ended.

My own trip started early in Friday morning in a bit tired mood. I made it to the train with what I was ment to be in Helsinki about 2pm. Schedule was really tight and it became even more tight since train was late once again for some reason..

Finally I made it to Helsinki about 30 minutes late from shedule. Our Team Fortress 2 players were waiting me at station. Before taking a local train to Vantaa, I went to buy a wide-angle lens for my camera.

We were the first ones from our organization to make it to event area so we decided to take a look around. The area where NON-BYOC competitions were played was planned well with thinking of possible spectators at event.

But unfortunately the good planning ended up in computer’s placements. The organizers mentioned right away that there was some problems with tournament’s servers and that caused schedule to be delayed. This caused some of players likely to lose their nerves.

Our TF2 players decided to use free time well with checking some tactics even there wasn’t tournament for TF2 at event.

The event itself wasn’t a success at all. With original plans there was ment to be over 1000 computer seats but with event kicking off, there was only less than 400 visitors with their computers. Besides that the only players was likely there for NON-BYOC tournaments so there was lot’s of room in the area.

At some point our CS:S team made it to event venue. Some tournament’s was already started but still our team had nothing to do than hanging around.

Friday afternoon was sunny which was great when I went to eat with our TF2 players.

When we got back at venue, our CS:S team was still hanging around and waiting.

In the evening also our CoD4 and CS 1.6 teams made it to venue.

Before CoD4 tournament started, NiNLeX and janneY had some time to cheer up. Feelings were rising up while waiting.

Our CoD4 team was first one from our teams who got their games started. First match against x9.Syndrome didn’t go well and we managed to get only few rounds. In second match NCC took the won and our team had no chances to make it to the playoffs.

It was already almost midnight. CS 1.6 and CS:S teams were still playing their groupmatches. Source team got one really close loss and one tie. CS 1.6 team managed to get their teamspirit up after one loss and FOOZE’s leading skills were really worth of watching as they took easy win over Elegy.

We were waiting to start CS 1.6 team’s last groupmatch until late night until we found out that enemies were missing one player which ended up the match to forfeit win in favour of our team and our team got 2nd place in group. First day was over so we left over to Jonsku’s place with CS 1.6 team to prepare for next day. On the way we bought some food. The clock was almost 3am.

Read more: Second day in photos

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

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