Wazzap fellas! Here we are at Solid Mojo with lots of RCTIC players/managers hanging around, including me. A total of 26 from our organization is here at somepoint of event or even during the whole event. As I mentioned in my last blog, this lan-event is my first one I’ve attended and this is quite great. Amazing atmosphere over here even tho the event isn’t as large as it could have as there was like 1000-1100 computer seats but after all there’s only like around 250-300 and not all even have been filled.
But then to main thing, hows the games going? Well, as usually on lan-events, there’s some delays on here also with the schedule. All games are delayed about two hours from the predicted schedule. Our CoD4 team already played their first match and CS:S team is starting or have already started their match against Team Menace.fi. Later on we’re going to do an overview from our team’s first matches in this event
teiä cs joukkue meni muuten reilulla pelillä jatkoo… uskals pelaa kivimäkee vastaa.