Our DoD:S team’s player, zg, in zP!’s European Player Rankings

May 27th, 2010

Two days ago zeroPoint! Gaming announced list of European Clan Rankings for this month. Yesterday was turn for Player Rankings!

zP! gathered total of three ranking lists which are rifles, heavies and snipers. Each category has their own point system and all teams who were in European Clan Rankings were asked for their opinions which means total of 11 team got their opinion said. Unfortunately only [flag fi] zg from our DoD:S team managed to get enough of votes to make it to top list and in his case the list is snipers. zg is actually drawing first placement of sniper list with [flag de] micHii from zeroPoint!, with both having 40 points.

Top 5 European Snipers

1. [flag de] micHii – [flag eu] zeroPoint!
1. [flag fi] zg[flag fi] RCTIC eSports
3. [flag fr] pentYum – [flag fr] rockit!
4. [flag pl] alone – [flag uk] casca
5. [flag be] Link – [flag be] Vicious and Evil

With drawing first placement of top snipers, zg and micHii are also drawing their place in dream team.


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