RCTIC.css in Clanbase EuroCup XXI

April 12th, 2010

Yeah, that’s right! Our very own Counter-Strike: Source team made it to this spring season’s EuroCup by qualifiers. On last Thursday our boys faced Finnish team of Team Menace.fi in qualifier match, with winner entering the cup itself and loser dropped out. Our boys went for easy 2-0 victory over Menace and therefor earned place in the EuroCup XXI.

Tournament’s admins have released the groups for this EC. There is four groups with six teams in each and our team is in group c. Group includes the following teams.

Spain Dimegio
France redLine
Switzerland MTX
Finland RCTIC eSports

First match week is from 19th to 26th of April and our boys will be facing Russia RAKETA on de_inferno.

EuroCup XXI

4 Responses to “RCTIC.css in Clanbase EuroCup XXI”

  1. JackieBoy says:

    GL! :)

  2. LeLE says:

    GL! :)

  3. Nipa says:

    We are the winner, WE ARE WE ARE :DDDDD

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