Movie corner – 16th June

June 16th, 2010

So here we are again as promised! Bringing you some nice new clips to settle down watching of FIFA World Cup. It’s good to watch something else now and then though nothing wins watching World Cup of football. But here we go to the world of games, enjoy!
And remember to set the quality of embeded videos to HD and fullscreen for better movie experience, please!

[game cod4]

Now that’s cool! This is a player movie about Mark “phantasy” Pinney, ex-TCM player and currently playing in Team Dignitas. It’s a celebration of nicely done effects from the maker of EXTAZY. As Abbie himself planned, the movie consists of two parts: first online fragging and then some serious LAN gaming business against the very top teams in the game. And on top of that theres something I love in movies: commentary. It really gives the atmosphere that the game is played on a professional level.

[game css]

A story about a team that came out of nowhere crushing the groupstages at i39 and rushing their way to the 5th place. AND THIS SOUNDTRACK! I absolutely love the musics in this movie. Not too serious shit all the time but some fun and laid-back music there too. Plus you usually nowadays hear some kickass or boombox kind music in frag movies but here is a great example where rap/hip-hop/R’n'B has been synced nicely to the movie.
The movie is nice. The frags are all valuable and nice because of the thought that this all happened on lan. The movie is kinda long but it’s fun to watch the journey of this team from the start to the last match though ending is kinda unfortunate.

[game tf2]

I’m really clueless about TF2 but I decided to give it a try since I was requested to post some of it too. It was a fast pick from site JackieBoy gave me but anyways..
Frags seemed like decent Quake-like frags; some nice mid-air picks etc. I didn’t like the soundtrack. It was kinda random. It’s in O.K. sync with frags but.. The movie itself felt like a minimovie. It’s fun to watch with some nice creative edits e.g. divided screen. In the end it is a decent movie. I don’t really have much to say about this so sorry about that. I try to get more familiar with TF2 and promise to post some of it anyways.

[game css]

Very interesting trailer from the maker of Jaro about two players. “They compete while playing together”. This trailer really made me to wait for the movie. I watched this many times and still replaying it. It’s speedy trailer with action. It’s like a preview of a big boxing match. Two monsters facing each other. Both with their own advantages. Can’t wait for it to come out.

2 Responses to “Movie corner – 16th June”

  1. SaMZ says:

    Nice again :)

  2. JackieBoy says:

    OH YEAH!!!! FINALLY U DID IT RIGHT! =)) TF2 Movies! F*** YEAH!

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