Movie corner – 28th July

July 28th, 2010

NOTE: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode.

[game tf2]

So TF2 scout action kicks off this time’s corner. This is a movie about two scouts from the same team from North America (Team’s gaming tag is [vg], but I have no clue what the team is and I’m too lazy to google it. Illuminate me, please). So, the clip is just clean editing which makes these awesome, sick and skilled scout frags to get into the footlights. No wonder if that team did good in their league with that kind of scouts.

[game css]

Beauuutifuul! Very brilliant and solid movie. Sparkles Production’s k00pz made it again. Swiftly changing vivid music makes it enjoyable and vivacious. Frags are also good. But the editing, oh yes, just awesome. I really like k00pz’s movies because of his quality of being artistic in his movies. It’s not overedited at all. Everything is made in a controlled manner. Nice one!

[game cs]

Ooh. The intro was like from a thriller/horror movie. When the Walking In the Air dubstep remix started I was suprised. I hadn’t heard it before and it was suprisingly good, and most of all, it fit the movie pretty well..! It was so mellow that the most tired watchers/listeners would fall asleep as I almost did. This is a decent edited movie but the music really made this movie better than it really is. It doesn’t have anything special in editing but it really doesn’t have to. But why the hell does The orange box’s banner commercial flash few times in the middle of the screen few times..? Well, whatever.

Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.


One Response to “Movie corner – 28th July”

  1. JackieBoy says:

    UUUH TF2

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