Movie corner – 8th July

July 8th, 2010

I’m sorry for making this times corner one day too late. There had been some undone things that needed to be done. But anyways here’s this week’s new movie corner. I hope you enjoy it.

NOTE: Remember HD quality and fullscreen mode.

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Here’s Sandro “biBa” Pilotta’s submission to ESWC Frag Movie Festival 2010. It includes beautiful editing and 3D-works as you could expect from a FMF submission. All nice frags have been decorated by nice syncs and editing. There’s many little edits which I liked very much. These kind of movies are the ones for my taste; short, nicely edited and fast paced.

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This movie brings you frags made by one of the best Australian player, phaze. Frags are awesome and show what a skilled player is capable of in Call of Duty 4. I’m not familiar with Australian scene at all but after this movie I started to think that there could be alot of great opponents for teams of European scene. I hope that some day we will see much more teams and players from there too. But again about the movie. What can I say? It’s brilliant. Frags are very enjoyable, editing is decent and soundtrack fits. Thank you again, Anexias movie making syndicate.

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It isn’t a new movie but i wanted to post this anyways. I have never really liked “trick jump” movies of any kind but this one really impressed me since I troubled to watch it. It made me to wonder that how much time and effort did these tricks require from them. Tricks are so precisely timed and planned. Everything must have been perfectly done to make the trick success. I recommend you to watch the whole movie. Some of them are just sick.

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Russians made it again! One of the most famous movie makers in CoD4 scene, Acid, with the help of  Abbie have made weird but cool movie of FAIL. What I mean by that then? Well, the whole movie consists of failed frags, general fails and fail grenades. It’s kinda fun to watch. And yes, soundtrack is ANNOYING. But thats what it’s supposed to be. It’s not long and it has much Russian language which is a pity. I’d like to know what they are speaking etc so it takes big part of the fun away. But still the movie seems like fun. Pokemons, yaay!

Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.


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