Movie corner – 19th August

August 19th, 2010

NOTE: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode!

[game cs]

Here’s some pistol ownage from CS 1.6! I liked it very much since it has easy but awesome bunch of pistol syncs. It’s very enjoyable and entertaining to watch. The kills were nice too. The only problem of the movie is that it is just a little bit too short. One minute more and it would have been pretty much better since it’s pretty creative and new pistol movie. You know, the cool 3D intro takes 1/4 of the movie lenght. But nice full action minimovie anyways!

[game css]

Oh, Pendulum starts to play again. No matter, good song. But yea, the movie: it’s a feast of editing. VERY well done editing and some fun creative ideas there. Too bad it was a little bit laggy in some parts or it might just be my computer.. The frags were basic montage and sick shots as you could expect from a good movie. Nice minimovie though it could have been longer, again.

[game css]

Hmph. The soundtrack.. Didn’t really like it though it fitted there pretty good. That song sounded like it would being played in a russian frontier extacy partyhouse with a bunch of fucked up dancing drugaddicts thinking where the fuck they are. (Ok what?) So, back to the movie! It felt like that same extacy stuff. It was very fast paced and weird. Frags were nice and +1 that they are from the same player. It was ok directed too but I hope he doesn’t put the same kind of music into his next movie.. And lenght 1:32! C’mon!

[game tf2]

I didn’t want to make this time’s corner CS-only thingy so I digged out a TF2 movie from somewhere to stable the situation. And it’s the only movie which is over 3 minutes in this times corner! (Applauses) But yea, I still failed to stable the situation in my opinion. Why? Cause this movie was boring in the end.. Didn’t like it that much. Some frags were like kamikaze stuff and even the death was shown there. I think it shows somewhat must-get-a-frag-for-the-movie kinda thing. But there were some good multiple frags too, I admit. I still expected better. It’s only a clean frag movie so can’t expect much but still.

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