Since the movie corner of last week wasn’t made because I was too busy with all kinds of things (e.g. Assembly Summer 2010) this time’s corner has everything to satisfy you. It’s bigger than usually of course! Enjoy!
NOTE: Remember the HD quality and fullscreen mode!
There’s so many zP! HOTWs so I don’t really like to pick them to almost every corner. This one I just happened to take since it is pretty good and it’s made by Finn. The movie isn’t so special. Effects and music make nice combination and create kind of serene feeling. First I thought like: “Oh, it’s this movie again..”, but the sun- and moonlight were pretty beautiful, glow and careful editing made it nice and easy to watch and the music was mellow but at the same time intense. Nice one really! Gj Tufe!
This is pretty weird movie in my taste.. The music was kind of depressing and just sounds in my ears. Movie itself was kind of vapid (lol, fun word, love it). When the credits started to roll I thought like: “And that’s it?”. Boring..! The frags were nice yes but they could have been more awesome if they were in well made movie. It feels like this clip was made by force with no idea in it. Maybe that’s why it is a work with no name.
This was a promotional movie for the Assembly Summer 2010 TF2 -tournament. I just now saw it and still felt like it should be picked to this corner. I like the quotes in the beginning which are from Gotfrag peeps from the other side of the puddle. It’s fun how they say those things although the best teams of TF2 come from EU. I love the ending: “Euros will air strafe”.
What can I say? Damn well made one-man-movie starring Australian Stu “TotalEclipse” Slater with sick frags from online and offline. Oh yes, it’s good..! Ass kicking music by Pendulum and Sub focus is perfectly synced with frags. Mr. 13A even fitted cam recorded footage in the movie which was nice addon. Brilliant!
Haha! Gotta love retro! This one is really creative. I like the way kaffee has combined the game boy/8-bit games with CS though the credit part is kinda stupid. It’s pretty short movie yes but gotta love it anyways. The last ninja scene was awesome! Ninja style!
Here’s a trailer that almost made me scream in joy like a little girl. Mazarini, the most respected movie maker in CoD4 scene is back. I really CAN’T wait for this movie. As you can see in the trailer he really does a movie by heart and still if he after many months isn’t satisfied with the result: delete and make a new one. I really respect him. I think he’s one of the best frag movie makers ever.
mazarini’s new movie will make eyegasm on me :) nice read tepid :p