Next ESL EMS season is on it’s way

August 16th, 2010

So, i decided to write a blog about how things are going with our DoD:s team.

As I haven’t written any blogs before I think I should start by giving a little introduction to who I am. So, my name is Joonas Järvinen, I am a 22 year old student from Vaasa. I am one of the founding members of RCTIC, which have been an interesting road this far and hopefuly it just gets better! And I am also leader of RCTIC DoD:S team. Our team has been in RCTIC for longest time, I think we joined RCTIC at march of 2009 or something like that so I think it is pretty respectable (as we really only have changed couple of players) time for a team involved in eSports where people join and quit organizations for like two months.

So, now on to the real deal, how is it going for us, as expected we haven’t really been able to practice us much as usual since it’s summer and people has better things to do than play games (or shittier thing as I have only been working since I need money to pay my rent) so we have just tried to play as much as we could, won couple of night cups against randoms and that’s about it. Good thing is that next ESL EMS season is on it’s way and we are waiting for it. Our last EMS season was a little disappointing but I am hoping we can win at this time! I think this is it for this time. PS: Keep giving us information of what you want for our new website so snd knows what to do!

2 Responses to “Next ESL EMS season is on it’s way”

  1. JackieBoy says:


  2. zöö says:


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