The return of the Ewok

August 17th, 2010

Good evening everyone.

I am Jan-Erik “furri” Mattsson, AD of RCTIC. I’m 24 years hard working dude and I like doing some graphics. Back in 2008 I was one of RCTIC’s founders. Before that I was in Red-Sky Gaming from where I left because the management wasn’t putting enough efforts to organization and after CMAX folded, some familiar guys came to ask if I had interest to something new business. And then things started to roll and here we are.

In previous post was speculated my comeback to RCTIC and lots of people must have been wondering that where in the hell have I been. I can honestly say that I was in the world of WoW where I ended up after my brother told me to try it and that’s where I used to spend my time for about 1,5 years. Then my common-law wife managed to get some common sense to my head and I stopped playing WoW. Besides playing I spend nearly all of my spare time to develop my friend’s companies websites, advertisements and so on. Those projects ended around 6 months ago when I found IRC from my computer and decided to go and check how’s RCTIC been during my time away. When I joined the channel I was a bit shocked. All the guys made a really warm welcome to me as I’d be their brother. There was a lot of questions and things to talk about before I managed to ask if my help was still needed. I think that guys had missed me for a bit.

I have been activily back in business 4 months for now and got motivation to keep going. I attended Assembly Summer 2010 where I was cheering our teams and many persons have probably seen me there. I apologize for all who said “hi” to me but I didn’t know you but it’s nice that you know me. But now time to move on and go to blog’s real theme.

Sometime ago I took part in competition organized by, where people had to design new mouse for SteelSeries. And as a surprise, I managed to win! The design I did was named as SteelSeries SPORA | RCTIC Edition. As a reward I will get SteelSeries Xai gaming mouse.

I also made a new wallpaper sometime ago which is mostly for myself but I also want to share it with you! Here it is, RCTIC ‘REVO’ Wallpaper 1920×1680.

See you all at ESPC 2010 LAN!

6 Responses to “The return of the Ewok”

  1. JackieBoy says:

    mouse is pure dopene$$

  2. furri says:

    one hell of a picture. Seems like i turned HULK omfg :D Definately some weird angle

  3. LeLE says:

    Jan, you´r HULK!

  4. someduud says:

    thought this had something to do with the good old ewok clan which has been rank1 on the early days of cb cs fi

  5. JackieBoy says:


  6. defcon says:


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