Interview with Leca

October 3rd, 2010

For a while ago we recruited some extra hands to our organisation’s staff. Newest addition to our family is Mika “Leca” Härmä who has been involved with Finnish eSports scene and communities for many years brings motivation, experience and cheery attitude to RCTIC. We decided some time ago to publish an interview to find out who this guy really is but it got delayed because many of us in RCTIC have been very busy lately. In the end we didn’t want to let such a nice interview to be thrown to a trashbin so we will publish it right now. And here you have it!

Hey Leca! Could you tell us about yourself and your interests for starters?

- Hola! I’m a 24-year-old lad from Tampere. I am interested in computers, games and different projects which all are almost like vices for me. I work in IT-business, study living, spend time with my close ones and I’m exited about my start in RCTIC.

What have you been doing before in the gaming scene?

- At the time it all was triggered via sad-famous Counter-Strike which little by little offered chances for other things to do aside from playing. In the year 2003 I founded a business called 2online Pelipalvelut which grew to the biggest free gameservice provider back then. If I remember right I also influenced in UASF (United Admins Society of Finland) in 2004-2010. Actually I have been part of many communities in the past years, for example ClanBase, and

Why exactly did you join to RCTIC staff?

- I have already for several years (since 2003) dreamed about being a part of Finnish organisation which main goal is to be the biggest of the country, inprove the Finnish gaming scene and export our gaming out to the world. RCTIC belives in itself, does it’s jobs properly, possesses a great attitude, people are laid-back and the team does everything with suitable humour. A moment after following the go of RCTIC I realized that here’s the chance to fulfill my dreams. I had already changed thoughts with PassengeR before about the scene’s activity so I decided to give it a try and ask if I could join in. Soon we had a chat with SaMZ and it was done.

Do you have other hobbies aside from computers?

- In addition to gaming I’ve always been interested in listening music and making it, hanging out with friends, movies and TV-series. Right before the fall I was intended to take the first contact to frisbeegolf and maybe start playing it even more in the next summer. I have also hosted an internet radio and maybe you can even count hanging out at the cottage as a hobby. :D

What is your favourite PC-game?

- After I bought games Battlefield Bad Company 2, Borderlands and Trackmania Nations Forever, CS hasn’t been taking my gaming hours. With these three excellent games I nowadays spend my spare time.

What Ulti-Mat mousepad do you like the most?

- My first touch to Ulti-Mat mats I had back in the year 2004 when they were cooperating with UASF. That time Ulti-Mat Breathe found its way on my desk and I was convinced. Later I wrote a review about Ulti-Mat Breathe, Solid and Seven F-X2 for Excellent mats each of them but my own favourite is still Breathe. ;)

What kind of music do you listen?

- Hahaha, now this isn’t a easy question. Spotify lists would tell their own story. From my playlist you can find heavy, rock, techno, golden 90′s hits and country music. Lets say a few examples like Sentenced, In Flames, Johnny Cash, Scooter and Mr. President. :D

Which one do you prefer: beer of cider?

- As a friend of beer: absolutely beer!

And at the end, what comes to your mind from these words:

Sponsor: Few great Finnish companies like Ulti-Mat and Pelaajan Valinta.
Mouse: The most important tool of virtual war.
Children: The challenges of the future.
Woman: My beloved better half <3
Rose: Pampering for her :D
School: Via dolorosa.

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