RCTIC starts a partnership with Team Menace.fi

February 2nd, 2010

In finnish eSports scene there is never enough of friends. Our Counter-Strike: Source team has been good friends with equivalent team from another finnish organization, Team Menace.fi. After managers from both organizations met at Assembly Winter 2010 LAN earlier this year, we have decided to start partnership, which will surely benefit both parties. So for now on you can see news of Team Menace.cs:s here at rctic.org and our news at team-menace.org.

Team Menace.fi is finnish multigaming organization which main target is to be Finlands’ best team on all competitive games. The organization was born in year 2006 from the ashes of Battlefield 2 team. Currently Team Menace.fi has two different gaming teams: Call of duty 4 and Counter Strike: Source.

Team Menace

One Response to “RCTIC starts a partnership with Team Menace.fi”

  1. oklibugli says:

    Pleasure doing business with you.

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