It’s official: Welcome WuMing!

August 23rd, 2010

At Assembly Summer 2010 we recruited WuMing as a stand-in to play under our name in WCG Finnish National qualifiers where he got very close to the podium by finishing 4th. Now the Assembly Summer is over and we are happy to announce that we are offically recruiting this Tekken 6 guru to our organisation! We had to get him tell us more about himself so we put him straight into an interview.

When you decided to join RCTIC you immediately participated WCG qualifiers, how did it go?

The qualifiers went as expected. I finished 4th, being beaten 2-0 by SivariKing, ranked 2nd and finishing 3rd, in the winners quarterfinals. And I was eliminated from the tournament 2-1 by entomo, ranked 1 and finishing 1st in the losers semi-finals. I regret not playing Hemosa, ranked 3rd and finishing 2nd. I probably could’ve beaten him.

Are you satisfied with your organization?

RCTIC is amazing. It’s a great honour to be the first fighting game player in an organisation in Finland. And it’s all thanks to RCTIC. The crew is professional and fun to be with at the same time so couldn’t be better. Hoping for a long partnership. :)

What are your future goals and are we gonna hear from you more in the future?

To be #1 in Tekken in Finland and to develop as a human being. To improve the fighting game & esports scene in Finland. Definitely will hear more. See you at ESPC!

Why did you choose fighting games over shooting games for example?

I’ve played on the PC for over 15 years, including a lot of shooters. I’ve done my share of CS (Over 3 years competitively) and lately TF2 (almost a year competitively). I’ve also played loads of RTS games, especially C6C3 & StarCraft. StarCraft II is looking really promising. But for the last 1.5 years it’s been mostly fighting games (Tekken 6, Street Fighter IV & Super Street Fighter IV, Blazblue: Calamity Trigger & Blazblue: Conti

Do you have any other hobbies besides playing?

I exercise a lot – jogging, stretching, taiji, yoga, floorball, football. And I organise events: Tracon, Tampere Kuplii (local ComicCon), Desucon, ESPC, Rautanyrkki etc. to name a few. I also read a lot of books, mostly philosophy & psychology. I also watch a lot of TV series & movies. I also follow many different esports scenes in addition to fighting games, of course.

What is your favorite food?

Chinese tofu. I’m a lacto ovo pesco vegetarian.

Finally: What do you think about these words?

Sweden – Finland’s neighbour, the country to progress over next in fighting games. Might take a while…

Bionade – awful-tasting refreshment drink. Sponsor at Assembly Summer 2010.

LAN – Local Area Network, nerd gathering

Beer – most common alcohol. I don’t really like beer. Some monk-brewn lagers are nice. Some root beers, too.

RCTIC\PassengeR – the 2nd in command beneath SaMZ. A really great guy and he knows how to get a photo model to smile :D

Half maraton – something I hope I can run if under pressure. But nowadays I don’t really have time for long jogs. Instead I mostly do High Intensity Interval Training as a shorter, more brutal jog during mornings with an empty stomach.

Thank you! Do you have greetings or thanks to send to the readers?

Thanks to everyone for reading. We’ll see if I can make a combo video for you guys! In the meanwhile enjoy my matches from Assembly Summer 2010 WCG Qualifiers and see you at ESPC! A big thanks to RCTIC and the sponsors for supporting me as the first fighting game player in Finland playing in organisation!

One Response to “It’s official: Welcome WuMing!”

  1. shu says:

    NICE! but i would beat ya in tekken anytime!

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