Insomnia XII: Final Standings

October 30th, 2010

Insomnia XII LAN is going towards the end as there’s just one more final to be done with, StarCraft 2 final. All other tournaments have ended besides SC2 and CS:S, where the final is live at the moment. However, the journeys for our guys have already ended up. Below you can find the final placements of Team Fortress 2 and Tekken 6 tournaments.

In TF2 tournament [flag fi] Power Gaming was really dominating the tournament as they didn’t lose a single round and they got first placement with ease. Team Refuse placed second and our very own TF2 team managed to place third with win over [flag fi] Maustajat!

[trophy 1] Power Gaming
[trophy 2] Team Refuse
[trophy 3] RCTIC eSports

Tekken 6 tournament contained the total of 64 participants so the tournament tree would have been too big to news posts. In groupstage our very own WuMing won 10 games and lost two. In first playoff round he faced Tofma, who placed second afterall so that was end of WuMing’s games at Insomnia XII with final placement being 9th. Let’s also mention that Tekken 6 player who won Finland’s WCG qualifiers, Entomo, placed 4th.

[trophy 1] Philo
[trophy 2] Tofma
[trophy 3] SivariKing

4. Entomo

9. WuMing

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

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