Insomnia XII: TF2 groups and fixtures

October 29th, 2010

Games at today are scheduled to begin at 8 pm CET. Every team plays one map against each other and two teams from each group with the most points are going to begin their journey to brackets.

Group A

Team Matches Won Loss Tie Points
1. [flag fi] Team Refuse 2 2 0 0 6
2. [flag fi] Maustajat 2 1 1 0 3
3. [flag fi] ES_Jonnet 2 0 2 0 0

Maustajat [0-1] Team Refuse – map
ES_Jonnet [0-5] Maustajat – map
Team Refuse [1-0] ES_Jonnet – map

Group B

Team Matches Won Loss Tie Points
1. [flag fi] Power Gaming
3 3 0 0 9
2. [flag fi] RCTIC eSports 3 2 1 0 6
3. [flag fi] Taku Ankka 2 1 2 0 3
2. [flag fi] The Group
3 0 3 0 0

Power Gaming [5-0] RCTIC eSports – map
The Group [2-5] Taku Ankka – map

Taku Ankka [0-5] RCTIC eSports – map
The Group [0-5] Power Gaming – map

Power Gaming [5-0] Taku Ankka – map
RCTIC eSports [5-0] The Group – map

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

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