Insomnia XII Blog: Day1

October 29th, 2010

So we arrived to insomnia about 6 hours ago. Our TF2 team did get their computers on their paid spots.

They were planning to practice 3 hours before their combo starts but unfortunately insomnias internet crashed… big time. After 15min of headbanging, they informed that every gamecombo has been delayed due their network issues.

Problem got solved around 10mins. After that they told us that Insomnia did get DDOS attacked. Pretty neat indeed. Compos were still at delay status and people did start to get frustrated. Around 21.30 CET admins informed that gamecombos will start in 30mins. But still we haven’t got any info about matches.. like maps, servers etc. AND tf2 admins were … well.. somewhere. It is now 22:00 and combos were informed to start in 10mins.. but again, same problem. Network crashed.

By far our first day has been pretty frustrating due these problems. Me and SamZ headed to Hotel, where we are writing this blog now.  We did call to shu 2minutes ago and he said that they did get to server with Power-Gaming and after 2mins, they crashed. So at the moment, we don’t have any clue about the situation. If this continues, my predict would be that they will continue and try to play combos tomorrow morning. Who knows. Oh yeah, and also when insomnia network crashed, their netcrew where at sauna lol :D I hope they enjoyed it!

Here’s few pics from Insomnia. One with SamZ and Wuming talking about tekken combo and second, where our tf2 team testing their computers.

SamZ and Wuming talking about Tekken combo Testing computers

Also Tuce did get his spot at youtube.

CommunityFortress: Moments of glory / Tuce

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