Insomnia here we come!

October 29th, 2010

So it is friday morning and i’m driving to get JackieBoy and his sh*t from his hood. After that we take our new direction to Tampere, Finland. Ofc with proper roadtrip music!

When we get to Tampere, we will pickup Tuce and zermu who’re waiting for us with their computers and bongodrums. Then we’ll head to Pori and i hope we’ll find  the lanplace without any unnecessary hassle.

When we get to Insomnia, i’ll crab SamZ and we’ll head ourselves to Hotel Cumulus to check us in. Yes i know… hotel…lan… we are getting too old for that and we need to get some sleep too.

I’ll be posting more about our trip today evening and until the sunday comes and we’ll head ourselves back to home sweet home (where the booze, wifes and family are waiting).

I hope for everyone at Insomnia for a good and fragtastic party! CYA!

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