Pinxed joins RCTIC

July 21st, 2010

Well hello fans. How are you? Fantastic! We here at RCTIC have a announcement to make for you fans out there. We have added a new member to our staff. Camilla “Pinxed” Hurula will be doing some writing and translating for us from this day forward! Sounds awesome huh? Now we have two(2) females showing us guys where the door is.

I(snd) asked Camilla a few questions about her. Read more if you want to know how she has became a nerd like
the rest of us.

So how did you end up to the world of esports?
I was forced to get to know the world of esports by my first boyfriend and it was year 2003. He made me play counter-strike 1.6 with his friends and then I was pretty much hooked. I got my own computer as a christmas present and then I really started playing. One of my best friends invited me to Assembly Summer 2005 with him and that was my first event. Since then I have visited almost every event in Finland, mostly Solid lans which are organised in Helsinki area.

What was the deal behind you joining RCTIC as a staff member?
The deal was actuallly quite an accident I think :) I just said to Passenger that “Hey I can speak many languages so I could come and translate some stuff for you!.” Then he asked around and guys approved me to their organization. I wanted to join this organization because I like these guys very much and they do this amazing job for the finnish scene and they have a very positive attitude.

What are you doing besides writing and translating for us? Playing any games?
Nowadays I have been working with Peliliiga organizing CS tournaments and stuff. Next event is going to be Assembly Summer and there I will work as a gameadmin. I also work in real life now and then at a foodmarket. I also do poledancing and of course I play (a lot) counter-strike.

I heard something about you wearing a RCTIC irc tag and Peliliiga didn’t quite aprove that. True of false?
Yeah Peliliiga said that I can’t wear any irctags atleast not on any event / tournament channels. It is not approved and it might give the wrong impression about me working as a referee. I can wear a tag but with different BNC.

Any last words for our readers that might read this tiny interview?
Have a great summer everyone!

Thanks Camilla, hopefully we will be reading your writings some time soon!

3 Responses to “Pinxed joins RCTIC”

  1. JackieBoy says:

    welcome! :)

  2. ANTURAN PINKSUU :)) says:

    Ihana toi Camilla :))) ihq :)) söpö :))

  3. k3mpo says:

    welcome :p

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