WuMing joins RCTIC as a stand-in

August 6th, 2010

Today we are happy to announce that we have recruited a new player as a stand-in.  He is no other than Mitja “WuMing” Mieskolainen who plays Tekken 6 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. This means that we are the first Finnish organisation to support fighting games.

Mitja started playing games when he was 10 years old so he has gathered experience from gaming for 15 years. Actively he has been playing for the last two years of his career. He is an active organizer of events and wants to be part of fighting game scene’s development.

We had a little chat about joining the organisation two weeks ago and decided to annouce him as a stand-in player at Assembly Summer 2010 and we will see what future brings with.

Come and see WuMing in action on Saturday at 15:00 here at Assembly when he’ll be playing in WCG Finnish National Finals of Tekken 6!

5 Responses to “WuMing joins RCTIC as a stand-in”

  1. JackieBoy says:

    Welcome! :)

  2. furri says:

    WuMing placed 4th at World Cyber Games Finland 2010 – National Final. That was impressive to watch. Last match against finnish top1 player, he lost 1-2.
    Videos, pictures and other cool stuff coming soon.

  3. LeLE says:

    Welcome! :)

  4. says:

    Thanks! :)

  5. Gilnor says:

    nice work! second mate who play at RCTIC :D

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