Blog Fortress #1

October 10th, 2010


My name is Jack “JackieBoy” Tarvajärvi and i’m the captain of our TF2-squad.

Our team has started a new blog called: “Blog Fortress“. The reason is that as players we want to give you “fans” an inside in our training and our everyday life :)

A new “chapter” of Blog Fortress will come out every monday! So keep checking for more info ;)

Our teams current situation.

After summer Robo felt his motivation was gone and thought it would be best for all if he would stop playing TF2 so serious and find himself a “laid-back” team. We started searching a new soldier immideatly and didn’t find one for 20 days. After a while we had to make a desicision and we choose RydeR from our former DOD:S team. We think his game-sense and experience in other games is perfect for our team.

Our line-up is:

Medic: SHU

Demo: TucE

Soldiers: Zermu & Ryder

Scouts: JackieBoy & Lil

We are particapating in 2 leagues: ESL and ETF2L.

ESL has allready started and we struggled a 1-1 tie. To tell you the truth, our game @ officials sucks! We play good @ Lan and PCWs but when we have an official most of us start to “panic” a bit and then we make stupid mistakes :( Hope to get that out of our system.

Insomnia is in 16 days and we hope to get alot of practise for it. Our goal is to be in the TOP3.

I would say this is about it for this week, see you next week!


This weeks officials:

La compétiTF & -|F|- Angel’s Cup

One Response to “Blog Fortress #1”

  1. Leca says:

    Keep up the good work Jackie and tf2 team!

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