New Nordic MGC launched!

December 15th, 2008

Hello everybody!

After around one month of waiting for our websites to be ready, we are today happy to inform you that we have launched a new Nordic MGC based on eSports. We still might have some bugs on sites or users might get some errors, but if you see one, please, report it immediately to management.

But now to the main thing. So, we have launched a Nordic eSports Club called RCTIC eSports Club. At the moment we are looking for gaming-squads to join up with us, for example for Call of Duty 4, Counter-strike: Source and 1.6. So, if you think that your team is enough good for us, do NOT hesitate getting in contact with us! We are also looking for staff, so if you want to work for us, do not hesitate contacting us either. Check out “About us”-page to find out how you can get in contact with us. We have also been in contacts with some new possible sponsors so stay tuned about news of new sponsorships and of course, recruiting new teams!

So, we wish that you will have nice time while being on our websites reading the latest scene and coverage news. Also, remember to register as by this way you will get your gallery, access to download files and so on!

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.